The Gemstone Area Risk Management System

About the System

The Gemstone Area Risk Management System is a series of markers used throughout the towers and island to indicate the danger of an area as well as any access restrictions it has.


All areas in the tower are assigned a category as part of this system. These categories are represented by gemstone markers at the borders of each zone.


As the towers change their configuration constantly, the system needs constant maintenance. The Seeker maintains the system by venturing into each area and assessing the risk that area poses. The Seeker then updates the markers for that area as necessary.


Zone Categories

Primary Categories


  Silver markers represent areas that are outside the towers. These are considered the absolute safest areas and have no security restrictions


Sapphire markers represent safe areas inside the towers. These are the living spaces in the towers where activities such as eating, sleeping, and studying happen. These areas are very stable and change rarely.


Emerald Markers represent the most frequented and well known areas of the towers. Visitors in emerald zones may move about without aid. These areas are very stable and change rarely.


Amber markers represent areas of the tower beyond the emerald areas. These areas are unstable, however staff members still know these areas well and rarely get lost in them. However, visitors get lost all the time when traveling alone in these areas. As a result, visitors are required to be escorted by a staff member in amber zones.


Ruby markers represent areas of the library where even staff get lost and monsters may be found. Visitors require special permission and a staff escort to enter these areas. Additionally, all visitors and staff entering this area must have their combat gear and weapons equipped.


Void markers represent the absolute most dangerous areas of the towers. Entry into these areas require approval from the Archive Council. Access to these areas is rarely granted. However, when granted access to these areas, visitors will be escorted by staff up to the border of the void area (through the emerald, amber, and ruby areas). Afterwards, visitors are on their own. Access to void areas typically requires the rank of scribe or above.

Supplementary Markings

In addition to a zone's primary category, some zones bear an a additional marking know as a stripe. Stripes are a colored fabric that is draped diagonally over the gem marker of the zone. These supplementary markings add additional rules or restrictions to the zone's normal rules and restrictions.

Red Stripe

Red stripes represent forbidden areas of the towers. Red stripes are assigned directly by the archival head. Access to red stripe areas may only be granted with the express permission of the archival head themselves.

Grey Stripe

Grey stripes represent areas of the tower that have sustained severe structural damage and may not be safe to enter. Visitors are prohibited from accessing these zones without permission. Staff are advised to exercise extreme caution in these areas.

Primary Related Location


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