Duke Malaric de Rais

Duke Malaric de Rais (a.k.a. The Webspinner)

Duke Malaric de Rais is one of the brains behind the de Rais family. Crafty, intelligent, and manipulative in the extreme, he acts behind the scenes for the family, and overall clan, as their information broker & head of secret police.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malaric is an elder cousin to Countess Gabrielle de Rais, and usually works closely with her. Growing up in many of the same estates both proved even more dangerous together than apart.   His parents showed many of the same traits as he possesses, though not as strongly. They were placed in charge of the security of the de Rais family & estates, and proved to be dangerous opponents who were one step ahead of many of the other Noble Houses. When Malaric was born he quickly showed promise at an early age. When he was young, about the age of 7 years old, he overheard that members of the House Salian were planning to have members of the de Rais family, and a few mercenary allies, assassinated. Immediately alerting his parents to the attack, he helped to set up the attack. All it took was the children of House Salian to be bribed with treats to let assassins in to the estate of House Salian that had the would-be killers in. What he didn't know or factored in, was who these would-be assassins were. It turned out that they were members of a rival organisation called the Bladed Pouch, and they were now looking payback.   When Malaric found out he had turned 12, and both parents fell to poison in their wine along with a number of other Nobles. It was during a ball held in honour of successfully delivering 25 pedigree geldings to Charlemagne's family. The Bladed Pouch agents that had done this were high ranking individuals and wanted a public display of their power. Knowing that the name of his own family would come out in the aftermath, he hunted down the members of the Bladed Pouch, and persuaded them to work for him. His young mind was already formulating plans to get his cousin Gabrielle into a high ranking position, and become the public face of the family. If he could do that, then when he came of age he would take over the background role of intelligence, secret family police, and chief manipulator. He also realised the family wouldn't survive if the Bladed Pouch remained an enemy.   By the time he was 15, he was able to get the Bladed Pouch on his side, and worked his way into getting the Assassins Guild & Thieves Guild of Frankia on side too. There he would secretly assign the Guild against agents of the Bladed Pouch, or use the latter's hatred to remove those within the Guilds that worked against him. So far, both sides have developed a fair idea of the machinations of de Rais, though they know they can't move directly against him.   Since taking the role of Duke at the age of 18 Malaric has maintained a calm composure observing everything and hanging back in company to get the lay of the land. By doing so, he can place the right person in the right place. Or in some cases the right person in the wrong place if need be. This has happened more that once to members of the Houses Salian & de Orleans, both of which has vowed to cut the heads of the 'hydras' that runs the de Rais family.

Intellectual Characteristics

Malaric is cold, calculating and very persuasive. Able to pick up small clues very quickly, he can also pick up on strengths & weaknesses quite accurately in others. Most people find him smooth, intelligent and charming to a degree, but a few will note that he can come across as smug, conceited, aloof, and outright cold. Most do say after meeting him that they felt as if they were being measured up afterwards, but shrug it off. He always appears as if he knows more than what he is letting on, and can debate the basics of most general subjects.

Morality & Philosophy

Like all de Rais, especially the Orleans branch, he is sadistic and domineering. Though never one to show anger in public, at least only rarely, he will happily hold a grudge. If he feels that him or his clan are at risk, will gladly set the perceived aggressors up for a fall. Not above using blackmail, kidnap, torture or assassination, he is a dangerous man to cross, though will never openly or willingly admit to such actions.   Deep down he views his family and himself above & before the majority. The Emperor Charlemagne is the only one who will actively cause him fear. Knowing that such a powerful individual is in charge of the empire makes him feel impotent at times, wishing it was himself as ruler. He is not above selling out family members if he believes them to be worthless and a liability.
"He's a dangerous one that. Knows more than what people think, and likes to manipulate people when he feels like it. Some would say that he does it deliberately to get what he wants. And dangerous allies too."   Count de Ath speaking to Charlemagne.
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
lightly tanned
5' 10"
175 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Frankish, Saxon, Anglo-Saxon, Infernal, Thieves Cant.

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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