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Labyrinthian Elves

Labyrinthian Elves are the Elvish peoples that are indigenous to the The Great Labyrinth Forest in what is known as Vallia.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Labyrinthian Elves since the time of The Great Human Elf War have been subject to heavy inbreeding in order to keep their species alive, but at the cost of more and more physical deformations as generations continue. Lab Elves may typically have elongated jaws resulting in an 'Labyrinth's Chin' (which can also manifest as speech impediments), a long forehead, larger, droopier eyes, and slender pointed noses. 

Additional Information

Social Structure

L.E. after The Great Human Elf War, have been reduced to a more simplistic, tribalistic people than their forebearers. Most remaining tribes hidden in The Great Labyrinth Forest are lead by an Elder, typically a druid or shaman. Most young men are trained in their secret druidic ways, or if eager enough, strike out into the wider world, seeking civilized life. Women are designated homemakers who care for young, as well as cook and clean.


L.E. can be found within civilized society, despite the general consesus of being inferior to just about every other race. Where as any other race of Elves are looked upon as a respected and wise people, L.E. are often treated as barely civil. It is sure that many Humans harbor great resentment for L.E. after The Great Human Elf War.

Average Intelligence

While Lab Elves of antiquity were known for their grand intelligence and wisdom, current day Lab Elves are a shadow of their former selves, while some poses average intelligence, there have rarely been any scholars from the species in many years. The average L.E. would be found exceptional if they possessed the ability to read Vallish.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100-3000 years
Average Height
6 feet
Geographic Distribution


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