The Ward: Intro

The Ward: A World Imprisoned
The Ward is a unique pocket dimension created as a prison for humanity after they committed genocide on the dragon race in an ancient war. Governed by six immortal Divines, who were once human themselves, this world is filled with various human cultures and nations that have emerged over approximately ten thousand years. In the absence of greater humanoid races like elves, orcs, and dwarves, humans share this realm with monsters, animals, and minor humanoids such as goblins and kobolds.   Geography plays a crucial role in shaping the cultures and nations of The Ward. The Seat of the Gods, a towering mountain located just south of the equator, is its most prominent feature. Surrounded by the Hadari Highlands to the north, west, and south and the Hadari Jungle to the east, this impressive landmark has a significant impact on the societies that live in its shadow. North of the Highlands, two temperate mountain ridges act as a natural border to the Northlands, while the grassland of Hannelin allows travelers to venture northward. The southwest and northern equatorial regions are arid, and the far north is a frozen wasteland.   Humans have established dominance in The Ward, primarily due to their unique ability to wield magic. They coexist with various other species, some of which pose significant threats, such as the giant sentient birds like the Greathawks, Deep Owls, and the rare Phoenix. Goblins and their hobgoblin kin are longtime rivals of the Hadari Highlander tribes, while vampires and werewolves terrorize the Middenweald. In the Northlands, the nightmarish Storm Crow feeds on lightning and magic.   The six Divines manage and influence the affairs of The Ward according to their own interests. Nezir rules Nezirath, Hadaridae governs the Hadari Jungle, Kasimir leads the Order of Kasimir, Ariadne delves into the darkest secrets, Polodlos heads the College, and Harsis is shackled in his own pocket dimension, acting as custodian for human souls. Most inhabitants of The Ward follow the Watcher's church, a religion that worships the Watcher and the six Divines. Smaller sects focus on individual Divines, with varying degrees of devotion and intent.   Current conflicts in The Ward include secret Harsi cultists attempting to free Harsis, the Bandit-King Zaata's quest for destruction, the expansion of the unstable wild magic field known as the Feywilds, and the mysterious magic drought in the Northlands. As the inhabitants of The Ward navigate this diverse landscape, they forge alliances, wage wars, and strive to survive in a world overseen by the enigmatic Watcher and the powerful Divines who serve as its wardens.   (This article was written in collaboration with ChatGPT using GPT-4!)