La Sangre Verde
The Serpent And All His Gifts...
El Convento De Brujas Verdes (The Green Witch Convent) is the smallest of the 12 Cults that built The Commonwealth of Alternative Religion , but by no means is it the weakest. Their power resides pin a closely-guarded secret: a substance of growth and transformation bestowed by the feathered serpent himself.
This substance is referred to as La Sangre Verde, The Green Blood. It is a viscous substance colored in many swirling shades of green. The green blood was found centuries ago. The substance, upon consumption, molds the body and mind. It is as if
The Candlelight expands, giving the consumer a new form, a true form.
Those in the convent believe this substance is a missing link that bound humanity to nature. They believed that these transformations were what humanity was supposed to be when they were created. The belief is not a popular one, and few still hold true to it due to the lack of proof regarding its validity. However, the cultists of the convent still acknowledge it as a part of their heritage.
Unlike The Order of The Black Sea, where transformations are more practical and each transformation comes from a specific design to handle a specific problem, the transformation seen in the cultists of the convent are far more aesthetic. Many of these transformations have little practical value.
Some cultists will emerge from their transformation with the head of a deer or a fox, fur all over their body, and a change of voice, a twisted sound that is unsettling especially given the form the voice comes from. As the cultist rise in rank, and Transformations become more alien in nature. The highest-ranked cultists are Shadows of what they once were.
The green blood is Toxic by its very nature. Consume too much and you will die. The convent is supposedly filled with the cultists who failed to survive their transformation. Their bodies linger, practically welded to their environment. While lying on the ground, their extremities May begin to look like roots for electrical wiring stretching to cover the surrounding service.
Roots and Circuitry
Despite resistance from the cultists, industrialization and natural human progress over the years have altered the overall look of the transformations. The cultist forget that while nature is part of the equation so too is humanity, and humanity is ever advancing in science and technology. The green blood was considered sacred for its gifts, even by those outside the cult. The closer humanity neared the modern era, the more this changed.
Roots that sprout from a cultists may begin to look like electrical wiring or wooden coils. The flesh may twist, welding to stone and metal by some unnatural power. Look close enough at the skin than one may find the blood vessels I've changed as well. The highways of the body transformed into the pathways of a circuit board. While the cult knew this to be part of the balance, their closest allies among indigenous peoples viewed it as abomination.
These biomechanical transformations are one of the major reasons why the convent is so isolated. While once they may have passed as forest spirits in the wild, now they are considered little more than monsters, and the convent is still avoided as if it were a leper colony.
Entry for Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2020
Answering: "
Write about a material that is considered sacred or culturally crucial in your world."
What a great take on this prompt. It' a little creepy how they transform to eventually become part of their environment.
Thank ya! I struggled to make one cult related but finally figured it out. I'm glad you like it.