An occult incident that could have ended the world, centered around a doomsday cult who sought to destroy Heimdal.
A way of deciphering Heimdol's transmissions.
A strange effect that seems to lift the fog that shrouds the hidden corners of the world. It can attract the horrors to you and applies to all who are exposed to the true nature of reality and not only survive but maintain sanity.
The general magic system of The Web
A look at the domain of passion, blood, and extremes and the trials pilgrims face there.
Psionic power that involves the psychic manipulation of a subjects mind, body, or soul.
A rare effect that increases the power of a subject. It comes from the stories and beliefs that surround the subject, over time.
Chaos weaponized
A toyshop that mysteriously appeared overnight in a town already besiged by a number of troubles.
A curious frustration...
A memory disorder found in immortals who reach a certain age
A major factor in contributing to peace and cooperation in The Web.
A recent use of the prestige invented to protect against firearms.
An event that not only led to the founding of The Web, but also showed the dangers of disunity, all centered around the small town of Nowhere, Georgia.
A common ability used by all those who can sense The Static.
A spell involving a cosmic dance with your multerversal twins.
The hunting ground of The Shamans of The First Elemen.
You don't want to know
The holy text of The Red Maiden, and a mystery even to those who find its words written on their skin.
A strange item that is only to be used when all else fails.
A place of peace and war alike.