WorldEmber 2023 Homework in The Works | World Anvil

WorldEmber 2023 Homework

Week 1: Pledge Your Goal

For my area of focus, I have chosen the Age of the Great Fall; a time of chaotic uncertainty in The Works. I've chosen this period of time to cover because it follows the "golden age" of the Third Work and ends with the "new age" of the Fourth Work. It is a transitional period, in which the old gods retreat from the world and the Wild Gods appear to change the world in significant ways. It will provide a glimpse at what the world was before and a view into what makes the world how it is in the current age.

Week 2: Assignment TBD


Week 3: Assignment TBD


Week 4: Assignment TBD



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Nov 9, 2023 13:47 by Elspeth

Oooh! Chaos and gods! The Age of the Great Fall sounds like a fascinating time to write about. Have a great WorldEmber! :)

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