Aster High Lady of the Damned in Shadowkeep

The Coalitiion of Free Cities did not invite the city states from the Northlands to these negotations. The leadership of the Kingdom of Vithyr believes the Northlands to be cut off from the rest of the realms due to the corruption of the Badlands that lie between the civilzed kingdoms and the savage north. And yet, three days before the meeting was first called to order, Aster made her presence known, walking into Carak with a horde of zombies at her command. She is here alone, with no aids or assisants but her command of dark magic is clearly powerful and despite objections but several of the free cities, the dwarves and Vithyr, she has been allowed to attend the diplomatic sessions. She has been in Carak for three days and has said little. No one knows her motivations or if she is who she claims to be - an Envoy from the savage Northlands come to establish diplomatic relations...

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