Darkwood Tower

Darkwood Tower is a ancient structure deep within the western part of Darkwood Forest. The tower itself is a strange place that is controlled by the leader of the Darkwood Rangers known only as 'Ranger One'.   Around the town is a series of small settlements that form one large dispersed village. Many commoners - families of rangers that come and go from this area are located here and while the settlement is primitive it boasts significant infrastructure.


Primary humans but some dwarves, half-elves and other humanoid races known to the Darkwood Rangers.


The village is ruled by a 'council of three' - who are prominent elected villagers who make decisions for all the common folk. The Darkwood Rangers that come and go from this place are ruled by Ranger One and his hierarchy of command.


There are strong natural defenses around the area including large ravines and natural rock formations that protect the village. This coupled with the trained common folk and rangers make this a difficult place to attack despite the lack of a palisade and the dispersed nature of the settlement.

Industry & Trade

The villagers of Darkwood Tower only trade with the Dwarves of Stoneaxe Village but this trade is very limited.


The village boasts both ground and tree dwellings. There is a single Inn and Tavern known as 'The High Nest' up in the trees surrounding the tower clearing. Forges and smelters are outside the town along the cliffs and mountains to the west. Ancient mines provide ore as needed but the rangers are just as likely to trade with the dwarves for what they need when they need it.

Guilds and Factions

The only faction in the town is the Darkwood Rangers who founded the settlement and ensure it's protection.


Darkwood Tower itself was present here before the events of Starfall. The forest grew up around it over the centuries that followed. The Rangers have been here for at least 10 generations.

Natural Resources

Plentiful wood, hunting and iron ore exists in the area. Game is particularly dense given the nature of the western Darkwood Forest.
Location under
Owning Organization


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