The Clerical Domains of the Koth Pantheon

Not all priests and holy prophets within the world of Koth can channel divine power and cast spells. Those that can are considered very special and are trained secretly by their respective orders.

Advancement within most clerical organizations is based on a combination of experience and political prowess. For player characters, clerical domains in the world of Koth are achieved at level 6. Prior to this only basic rituals (low level spells) are available to clerics. Domain specialization is selected when the cleric has sufficient experience to be truly blessed by his or her god and attains sufficient divine power to be considered a true ‘priest’ of their religion. It is at this point that the various holy teachers of each religion teach their priests higher level rituals.

Each god has three domains that a cleric may choose from. The selection is made through meditation and reflection. Only a single class cleric may select a clerical domain of focus. The effects are as follows. Note that the bonus noted below may make the spell harder to resist, added hit points to summoned creatures or added hit points to healing spells or damaging spells.

OSR Effects and Bonuses:

Animal: +1 bonus to all spells that have to do with animals. May use the druid spell animal friendship and invisibility to animals as a level 2 spell option.

Plannar: +1 bonus to all spells involving the inner or outer planes. Bless conveys +2 to saving throws against any effects from the inner or outer planes.

Order: +1 bonus to all charm and command type spells. +2 resistance to all control spells. Detect Lie may be cast as a level 3 spell.

Combat: Spiritual Hammer always does maximum damage and gets +1 to hit. Bless now adds +2 to hit and may be cast while engaged in combat. Prayer and charm add +1 melee combat damage.

Creation: +1 bonus to all creation spells such as Create Food and Water and Magical Vestment. Create food and water may be cast as a level 2 spell. Golems created always have at least 4 HP per hit die.

Divination: +1 bonus to all divination spells. Augury, Divination and Locate Object may be selected as spells one level lower.

Elemental: +1 bonus to elemental protection spells. +1 damage per hit die for all elemental based offensive spells.

Guardian: +1 bonus to all spells that create barriers or zones of protection. Glyph of warding does 3 points of damage per level of the caster and may be cast as a level 2 spell.

Life (Healing): All healing spells are empowered at +2 to each dice roll. Bless adds 1d6 temporary hit point for the duration of the spell. Negative plane protection does +2 bonus damage to undead. Cleric may turn undead at +1 level.

Death(Necromancy): All necromantic spells are empowered at +1. All cause wounds spells are at +2 to each dice roll. Allows cleric to dominate undead at +2 levels

Plant: All spells that involve plants are empowered at +1. Cleric is allowed to cast the druid spell entangle as a level 2 spell. Speak with plants may be cast as a level 3 spell.

Protection: Bless now adds +1 AC deflection bonus and may be cast while engaged in combat. Prayer and chant now provides a +2 saving throw bonus.

Chaos: Harmful spells have a +1 bonus against lawful creatures, either +1 more difficult to resist or +1 hit point per hit die damage. Protection from Evil may be cast as Protection from Lawful.

Law: Harmful spells have a +1 bonus against chaotic creatures, either +1 more difficult to resist or +1 hit point per hit die damage. Protection from Evil may be cast as Protection from Chaos.

Madness: Bless enrages those it is cast upon resulting in -2 AC but +2 to all damage for the duration. There is a 15% chance per combat round that the blessed creature will attack randomly. Cause wounds spells have a 5% chance per spell level to cause temporary madness in those hit (1d4 combat rounds) resulting in inability to cast any spells and a 15% chance to randomly attack anyone nearby.

Pain: Cause wounds spells result in the need for a spell saving throw. aIf failed horrible wracking pain impacts the victim causing an additional 1d4 damage and a -2 attack roll penalty for 1d6 combat rounds. Cleric has a +4 resistance bonus to pain effects and torture.

Disease: Cause disease spells are empowered and are harder to resist (+1). Any cause wounds spell has a 5% chance to per spell level to cause a disease along with the wound. I.e. cause light wounds 5% chance. Cause serious wounds 20%. Cleric has a +4 resistance to disease.

Pleasure: Bless improves the apparent charisma of the cleric by 4 points for reaction and loyalty checks. Cure wound spells have a 15% per spell level of causing feelings of euphoria that act as a minor charm spell. Cleric has a +2 resistance to all charm effects.

Balance: Bless results in a +1 saving throw bonus against chaotic and lawful creatures. Cleric has a +20% reaction bonus to neutral creatures. Chant may be cast while moving and taking other actions including combat but not any other spells.

Summoning: +1 bonus hp per hit die to all summoned creatures. The use of the Gate spell will have a much more favorable outcome for the cleric.


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