The Origins of the Gods

The gods of the realms are said to have come to this world thousands of years ago. They created the winds, the sky and the land. Then in their wisdom they filled it with mortal creatures to serve them and enforce their will upon creation.

Koth is the leader of the pantheon. He rules the gods in the heavens and makes all decisions that govern the universe. He consults with his celestial sons and daughters but the final decisions that affect creation always lie with him.

Vith is the son of Koth who was formed from some of his father's essence when Koth created the universe. Vith is husband to Una a lesser god created from the celestial ether by Koth so that is son would have someone to share creation with.

They form the Panthos of Order.

Ceyn is the daughter of Koth who came into being shortly after the creation of the universe when pain and pleasure were first experienced by mortal men. She is willful and usually ignores the will of her father and the other gods.

Skos is a primordial being that Koth allows to exist so that there is dominion over death. His mate Ket is a lesser god from a universe thought to have been destroyed by death and chaos. She was brought here by Koth to tame the god of death and to ensure that his creation did not suffer the same fate as so many others.

They form the Panthos of Chaos.

Anur is the great sage and watcher. He was created unintentionally when the first mortal creature asked "why". Ever since he has chronicled all of creation. It is said that while he may not be as powerful as Koth the Old Father, he may know more than the creator of the universe himself.

Frae is the guardian of nature and the world itself. She came into being when Koth created the plants and animals and blessed the world with balance. Her husband Kayn is the Huntmaster. He is lesser god that was created by the constant struggle for life and death in nature that ensures balance.

Kith is the great communicator. She is the messenger of the gods. When the first mortal prayed and when Anur began to document all creation kith was there to relay the messages and ensure that the gods stayed connected to their creation. It is said that Koth willed her into being to ensure that the gods listened to both mortals and each other.

They form the Panthos of Balance.

Today the gods are worshiped universally by all races but it wasn't always so. In ancient times, elves and dwarves had their own gods but these have all fallen out of favor in recent years. This Forgotten Panthos of Lost Gods is no longer worshiped by mortals.


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