Tyri Strongarm, Warrior of Skae

Tyri is clearly a skilled warrior and moves with strength and grace into a room. She is still young but made a name for herself around the free town of Skae killing dire bears in the badlands. Her reknown is high enough for the Horun the Bold to appoint her as Envoy for Skae when the Coalition of Free Cities sent a messanger. Tyri claims her bloodline goes all the way back to ancient Vithyr and that her lineage fought for the gods. She is an impressive warrior and no one doubts these claims. By inviting the free town of Skae to his diplomatic meeting, the Coalition of Free Cities again insults the Kingdom of Vithyr. The kingdom considers the town of Skae to be part of its territory and has attempted to annex the town many times over the last few generations. Each time they fail and are pushed back by the town's defenders. Terrain doesn't allow the full might of the kingdom armies to be brought against the town and the inhabitants of Skae follow a fierce warrior culture. Everyone in the town is a capable warrior which makes breaching the defenses all the more difficult. Beyond this insult, the reason the the inclusion of Skae is not fully understood. It is possible that the Coaltiion of Free Cities may offer them membership. If they do this and Skae accepts this will surely start a war that will wash over the realms like a tidal wave.

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