Fri, Aug 26th 2022 04:14   Edited on Fri, Aug 26th 2022 04:22

Story Background / Adventure Start

Three days ago a message went out from Riverwatch about a missing child. The locals are in a panic since the child went missing from a locked home in the middle of the night. Foul play is suspected but the local constable was unable to find the girl. Her name is Jessa and she is the youngest daughter of the village baker.   The small village sits at the mouth of the Sapphire River near the border between the Riverlands and the Kingdom of Vithyr. Relations between these two great powers in the realms are at an all time low with occasional border skirmishes common. While it is unclear if Vithyr was involved in the abduction, many locals believe they are to blame driving tensions even higher.   You all approach the town from the west along a simple cart path that lies parallel to the Sapphire River. It is almost dusk and you can see fish oil lanterns already lit about the town. There is a slight haze in the air as the temperature drops. Rain is expected tonight.   --------------------------------------------   I suggest keeping things very simple to start using classic AD&D Statblocks using abbreviations:     AC = Armor Class; MV = Move; HD = Hit Dice; CM = Commoner, F = Fighter, MU = Magic-User; C = Cleric; T = Thief; hp = hit points; #AT = Number of Attacks; D = Damage; SA = special attack; SD = special defense; S = Strength, I = Intelligence, W = Wisdom, D = Dexterity, C = Constitution, Ch = Charisma.   The AC, #AT, and Damage numbers will be adjusted for melee combat; with Strength, magic, and Dexterity defense bonuses figured in. Bonuses and damage for missile fire will be different in most cases. AC is always given in a number with the base AC for armor type given in brackets afterwards.   Example:   Dorian, an elf F/MU 3/3; AC 1 (4 MV 12"; hp 13/13; #AT 1 at +2; D 1-8+1; S 17, I 17, W 10, D 18, C 14, Ch 12; elven chainmail (masterwork) shield, longsword, longbow, 12 arrows. Spells: Magic Missile, Sleep, Levitate
Fri, Aug 26th 2022 04:22

Bolo says: "OY! There be the crappy little town we after. Girl gone there eh? I bet they have beer! Get payment in beer."
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