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Forest of Nueven

The Forest of Nueven is a large forest on the northern side of Nueven. Beside the town itself, it is one of the most prominent locations of Map of the Woods.


The Forest of Nueven is north of Nueven; overall, the area is land-locked and generally flat, only becoming hilly and eventually mountainous far beyond the Forest. There are also a handful of small lakes and ponds within the forest. A little ways off is a river, though it mostly runs near the agricultural region.


It is a temperate deciduous forest, meaning that leaves fall off during the autumn and winter months. Common trees include maple, oak, aspen, willows, and birch. There are also quite the number of vines and other plants such as wisteria, wildflowers, and brambles. Mushrooms are common as well, especially during rainy months.   Most animals that live in the region either migrate or hibernate during the winter. Insects, frogs, salamanders, and the occasional snake are common during summer. Other animals include a variety of birds, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, deer, and foxes.   More specifically, bugs include fireflies, termites, ants, grasshoppers, crickets, small beetles, moths, butterflies, mantises, and the like, as well as millipedes and spiders.

Ecosystem Cycles

Winters tend to be cold and summers tend to be humid. Precipitation is well rounded throughout the year, but intense storms may occur in December, mid-spring, and mid to late summer. Mushrooms flourish after rainfall.
Deer and rabbit hunting seasons take place typically in November and December, often in restricted areas. Birds begin to migrate south in the winter time, returning during the next spring.

Localized Phenomena

The forest is where both types of ghosts start appearing, mostly due to the graveyard at the edge of town. This is the work of Enkii Endith's studies into symbols and magic energy. As the story progresses, however, ghosts appear in more places than just the forest.

Natural Resources

Wood, rich soil, and water are the main resources found within the woods. Occasionally, rabbit furs or meat, insects, and deer are also captured or hunted, though the town has limits in place for when, where, and how many of the animals can be killed. People also forage for mushrooms, berries, and other resources, also with certain limits.   Foraging and bug-catching are popular especially among children or during town events, usually with adult supervision.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Included Locations
Characters in Location
Locations Within:
  • Neme's tent
  • Graveyard / Funeral Home (very edge of town)
  • Hiking trails
  • Old well
  • The Platforms (small outdoor theater)
  • Lakes / Ponds (one with dock)
  • Burned Forest
  • Stone Opening (Small caves far out)
  • Forest clearing
  • Small shrine
  • The sticks
  • Sunrise view
  • Sundown view
  • Abandoned signpost
  • Bridge
  • Hunting grounds

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