Abyssium Material in Theras | World Anvil


Abyssium is a highly reactive chemical, mainly extracted from the Underdark. Abyssium is primarily sought after by alchemists, scholars, and spellcasters.


Material Characteristics

Abyssium is considered to be the darkest material in the Prime Material Plane, in a literal sense. It is impossible to discern the shape of a piece of abyssium by merely looking at it.   One of the most common ways to precisely tell its shape is by licking it, as its taste becomes increasingly sour the closer the surface is to the piece's center, and tongues are usualy more sensitive than fingertips.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Abyssium is highly reactive and surprisingly flammable, and spontaneously combusts when it comes into contact with water. It serves as a catalyst for alchemical reactions and can be used as a conduit for spells and magical phenomena. Many spellcasters in Ashirafsir have their abodes lined with networks of abyssium running through the walls and floors, allowing them to cast spells as if they were in any location the network reaches by merely touching one of the lines.



Due to its nature, abyssium is usually stored in pocket dimensions devoid of fire and water; this usually takes the form of an iron lockbox that operates in a similar fashion to a bag of holding. If for some reason this method of storage is unavailable, it is contained in a sealed container, made either of led-lined clay or inside a shaped stone.   The shape of the lockbox is indicative of the amount of abyssium it stores: a rectangular box holds up to 300 pounds; an hexagonal box stores up to a ton; an octagonal box holds up to 3 tons; a circular box stores up to 5 tons; a disc can hold up to 91 tons, and functions similarly to a portable hole.
A rule of thumb is that the amount of abyssium stored is directly proportional to the number of sides of the box and inversely proportional to the box's height.


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