Aethel Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Aethel was a marvel of ingenuity and organization. Its sprawling cities were renowned for their elaborate clockwork mechanisms, meticulously keeping time with an almost unnatural precision. Aethel's scholars and philosophers spent lifetimes studying the nature of time, charting the heavens, and developing complex calendars that tracked the passage of years, seasons, and even lunar cycles with unmatched accuracy.


Legends speak of a pivotal event in Aethel's history - a pact made with a being known only as the Hourglass. Some whisper of a powerful outsider, a celestial entity cloaked in swirling mists and wielding unimaginable temporal power. Others believe the Hourglass was a forgotten god, one who had slumbered for eons before being awakened by Aethel's fervent fascination with time. Regardless of the Hourglass' true nature, the pact it offered was both alluring and perilous.   In exchange for a portion of Aethel's soul (the exact nature of this sacrifice remains a horrifying mystery), the Hourglass bestowed upon the kingdom the worship of Chronos. Shrines dedicated to the new deity sprung up across Aethel, their altars adorned with hourglasses and intricate sundials. The people of Aethel embraced Chronos, believing his worship would grant them an even deeper understanding of time's mysteries, allowing them to potentially transcend its limitations.   For a time, Aethel flourished under the blessing of Chronos. Their advancements in timekeeping and celestial navigation were unparalleled. However, this golden age was tragically short-lived. One fateful night, a devastating event, shrouded in whispers and speculation, befell Aethel. The once-proud kingdom vanished from the face of the earth, leaving behind only smoldering ruins and a chilling silence.   With Aethel's sudden demise, the worship of Chronos vanished as abruptly as it had arisen. Statues of the time god crumbled, his shrines lay silent, and the once-potent offerings turned to dust instantly. The connection between Aethel's fate and Chronos' disappearance became undeniable. Did the pact with the Hourglass backfire, leading to Aethel's annihilation? Did Chronos himself abandon his followers when their devotion proved unsustainable? Or was there something more sinister at play?


Chronos was the main deity worshipped in this old civilization.

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