Agathion Species in Theras | World Anvil

Agathion (a-GATH-uh-non)

Agathions are Celestial beings embodying the spirits of enlightened mortals.   The Agathions do not have any connection and should not be Confused with Aggathion or Agathys.   Agathions are known for their wisdom and enigmatic pronouncements. They often speak in riddles and employ animal metaphors to convey complex concepts. This fondness for symbolism reflects their deep connection to the natural world and their belief in the interconnectedness of all things.   Despite their philosophical leanings, agathions are not passive observers. They believe in mutual respect and fiercely defend themselves and their allies against the forces of evil. They actively intervene in the mortal world to combat evil and protect those who cannot defend themselves.   Unlike some celestials who are rigidly bound to concepts of law or chaos, agathions see good as the only path worth pursuing. They view the endless debate between lawful and chaotic forces as unimportant distractions from the true goal of achieving enlightenment. This even-handed approach makes them natural arbiters between other celestials, and they are often called upon to mediate disputes between archons and azatas, whose alignments tend to lean more towards lawful and chaotic respectively. However, agathions can sometimes struggle to understand the motivations of their more extreme celestial kin, particularly those who prioritize law or chaos above all else.   Agathions' greatest concern lies with the suffering of trapped souls. Such individuals are seen as especially tragic, their potential for good overshadowed by their present situation. Agathions actively seek to help these lost souls find redemption and escape the cycle of despair.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

They appear as elf-like creatures with a twist - each agathion reflects a specific animal, highlighting a facet of their past life and personality. Some resemble humanoids with animalistic features, while others fully embody a creature or possess shapeshifting abilities. Notably absent are agathions representing scavengers or parasites, as these creatures clash with the agathions' core values of respect and self-improvement.   Agathions take immense pride in their animal aspects and bristle at comparisons to mere talking animals or werecreatures. They see their forms as a badge of honor, a testament to their past lives and the path they've walked to reach enlightenment.

Genetics and Reproduction

Agathions are not born in the traditional sense. Instead, they are enlightened mortal souls who have achieved a deep understanding of the universe and themselves. Upon reaching enlightenment, these souls are reborn as agathions, retaining aspects of their past lives that reflect their personalities and the skills they honed during their mortal journey. This connection to their past manifests in the animal form they take on, and can even influence their areas of expertise within agathion society.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Primarily found in The Beastlands and secondly in Elysium and sometimes in Bytopia agathions are free to travel wherever they wish. However, they understand the importance of their role and readily serve wherever they are most needed. While the Beastlands offers idyllic natural landscapes as their home base, agathions are adaptable and can thrive in bustling cities when the situation demands it.   In the Material Plane, agathions are drawn to those struggling with the burden of their past or facing moral quandaries. They often take on the role of counselors, particularly for prisoners seeking redemption. These celestial beings believe that even the most troubled soul can find a path towards enlightenment, and they patiently guide those seeking a second chance.   Additionally, representatives from agathion society are sent to the City of Judgement. There, they work alongside other celestial beings to guide mortal souls on their journeys towards enlightenment.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Unlike some celestial hierarchies with strict power structures, agathions lack a formal leadership system. Instead, they follow the teachings of powerful deities who are believed to be the first mortals to have arrive on upper planes. These revered beings are seen as fonts of wisdom and experience, and their guidance shapes agathion society.   Notably, agathions are not restricted by alignment in their service to good. They are willing to work with deities and mortals of any alignment as long as the goal is to further the cause of good and help others on the path to enlightenment.   Each type of agathion fulfills a specific role within their society. These roles, ranging from guardian and messenger to bard and scholar, often tie back to the values and skills the agathion honed during their mortal life.
Geographic Distribution


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