Angler's relief

For years rural anglers had been using skins of various sealife in order to treat open cuts and wounds.   The practice has sinced been copied by hunters and adventerurers alike.  

In literature

In Eloise Le Amarell's historical Northern Customs (920 AB) the curative qualities of fish skins are portrayed in the banter between the fishmonger and hunter's wife
"How many fish?" retorted the seasoned fishmonger,
"Nay fish but only I asked for fish skins" Dorothea corrected dryly.
"How many fish?"
"Skins only for my wounded husband, the fish I do not need"
"And then in few hours time, you'll come and ask for fish, and pay for me will lesser"
"And only for three feathers long, for how much are you willing to sell the skin?"
"Four silver coin"
"The odours of fermented fish must have set you foolish, how much for a fresh fish, atleast three feathers long?"
"Two copper coin"
Dorothea was appalled by the obscenity, "Bring me one with all the scales, so I'll know its a fresh one..."
— Eloise Le Amarell, Northern Customs


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