Blibdoolpoolp Character in Theras | World Anvil

Blibdoolpoolp (blib-DOOL-poop)

Blibdoolpoolp, the patron goddess of the kuo-toa, is an enigma even by the standards of the undersea. Some revere her as the ancient Sea Mother, protector of the paranoid, light-shunning race. However, whispers suggest she might be a figment of the kuo-toa's madness, a twisted deity born from their fervent, reality-warping beliefs.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Blibdoolpoolp reigns supreme over the kuo-toa, whose priests form the backbone of their society. These priests maintain her temples, which house giant crustaceans and large black pearls – any change in their color or behavior is interpreted as an omen. Cooperation is key, with priests across settlements working together for defense and actively driving away illithid threats.  
Empowering the Faithful
The Sea Mother is not without her boons. She can mark a single kuo-toa egg with the "Whip of Whips", imbuing it with destiny and granting the hatched creature immense physical and divine power. Weapons like whips and monitors can also be blessed, transforming them into colossal instruments of destruction wielded by monstrous kuo-toa leviathans. Her followers can receive the unique "Touch of Blibdoolpoolp", transforming their hands into monstrous lobster claws. Finally, she grants her servants the ability to speak the cryptic kuo-toa language, ensuring their communication and loyalty.      
Lobsters are a delicacy for Blibdoolpoolp, featuring prominently in regular sacrifices. As a scavenger goddess, discarded and recovered treasures are also valued offerings. The most devoted demonstrate their faith through regurgitation at her metaphorical feet.   The most common ceremonies involve drowning humanoids. Favor from the Sea Mother is sought through vast quantities of gems and pearls, with the price tag for her fickle blessings reaching 100,000 gold in gems (or half that in pearls).

Tenets of Faith

Survival is a privilege reserved for those who demonstrate both mental acuity and physical prowess, as it is through the excision of weakness, corruption, and mental deficiency that communal greatness is achieved. In the eyes of the noble priest caste, royal blood signifies a divine mandate to rule, obligating all kuo-toa to submit and obey, while the Sea Mother's directives demand unwavering vigilance to ensure fidelity. The atrocities of the past, perpetrated by surface dwellers who usurped rightful kuo-toan lands, necessitate their capture and sacrifice as offerings to honor the Sea Mother, whose divine will must be embraced in all facets of life to safeguard kuo-toan purity and societal integrity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Towering at fifteen feet, she appears as a nightmarish fusion of woman and crustacean. Some unfortunate souls bear witness to a grotesque human female body adorned with a lobster's head and grasping claws. Others describe a similar monstrosity, but with the head and claws of a crayfish, a segmented shell crowning her horrifying visage. A mere glimpse into her eyes at close range is enough to shatter sanity, leaving victims teetering on the brink of madness.

Special abilities

Blibdoolpoolp primarily manifests as a powerful spellcaster. Her dominion lies in summoning monstrous allies and manipulating the very essence of water. Though fire eludes her grasp, she wields the ocean's fury with devastating skill. Like her kuo-toa followers, Blibdoolpoolp shrugs off most poisons and paralyzing effects, and water magic holds no sway over her. Her gaze pierces through illusions, offering no haven for the deceitful. Blibdoolpoolp can call upon waves of colossal crustaceans to overwhelm her enemies in a frenzy of snapping claws. Additionally, she can summon powerful water elementals to serve her for extended periods, bolstering her ranks with the raw might of the ocean.       With her monstrous claws, Blibdoolpoolp can seize opponents and force them to confront the maddening depths of her eyes. A single, horrifying look can shatter sanity, leaving victims teetering on the brink of madness. Furthermore, she can daily unleash a symbol of insanity, twisting the minds of her foes.

Personality Characteristics


Blibdoolpoolp is consumed by rage against those who wronged the kuo-toa, therefore, she sends avatars to their sacrificial rituals, demanding offerings of humanoid blood.   Despite her wrath, Blibdoolpoolp grants audiences for immense wealth, but those entering empty-handed are cursed - forced to return with riches or drow sacrifices, all while unable to harm the kuo-toa.   Her pronouncements that she delivers through omens, are a terrifying gamble. Her unstable nature makes blessings or wrath equally possible for those who seek her favor.   Blibdoolpoolp burns with hatred for those who wronged her kuo-toa children, especially surface dwellers (humans and elves who drove them down) and rivals for their scarce territory (Illithids and Dark Elves). Sea creatures, except for Sea Elves, face less wrath.   The Sea Mother is an irrational deity, prone to wild mood swings and secrecy. She believes she holds profound magical secrets about the universe but keeps them hoarded, fueling suspicion.She also has an inexplicable fondness for pearls, valuing them far above other riches as offerings to gain her favor.


Contacts & Relations

Blibdoolpoolp typically avoids interaction with other deities, preferring solitude. Nonetheless, she maintains a cordial relationship with the ixzan deity Ilxendren. While harboring disdain for the drow, she refrains from direct confrontation. Instead, she subtly manipulates individuals of other races to deliver drow as sacrifices whenever the chance presents itself.
The Sea Mother;
The Drowning Goddess;
Whip of Whips;
The Enigma of the Deep;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Subservient Deities
Kuo-toas, Evil undersea creatures
Darkness (Loss), Destruction, Evil (Cannibalism, Fear), Madness (None), Ruins, Void (None), Water (Flowinbg, Oceans)
Lobster head or black pearl
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Pincer Staff
Holy Days


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