Brassberg Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Brassberg is one of the divine realms of the draconic deity Hlal the Jester.   The lair of Hlal consists of a number of caverns, with just the space to contain the riches collected by the dragon goddess. The surrounding area is dry and warm, as befitted the patron of brass and copper dragons.   Hlal lairs are mostly unknown,the only one known being Brassberg, located in Nidavellir, a region of the plane of Ysgard. Hlal has at least one lair on the plane of Arborea.  
A portal linked Brassberg to Erevan Ilesere's realm on the plane of Arvandor.  
Hlal, trickster god and messenger deity, live in the lower reaches with her brass dragon and copper dragon petitioners. The spirits of red dragons, blue dragons, and black dragons livein various portions of the lower reaches as well.
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