Council of Kagiams Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Council of Kagiams

The Council of Kagiams, also known as the Kagiam Council, is an assembly of powerful wizards that rule over the nation of Sofel, and their ruling class known as the Dark Rune Wizards. They are anonymous to the Sofelian people, hold ultimate power and only competed with one another for authority and influence.   The Kagiams are extremely wealthy and many possessed what seemed like near-infinite resources. While they collectively rule Sofel, each Kagiam have their own schemes, interests and various lusts for power and pleasure.


Each Kagiam is extremely powerful mage who specialize in a specific school of magic, and are chosen from among their peers in the same order. They serve for life, or in some cases well past it into undeath. In truth, a Kagiam holds their seat within the council until they are completely and utterly destroyed.   Competition between the Dark Rune Wizards for the title of "Kagiam" is extraordinarily intense, as it was the highest seat of power in all of Sofel.
Ruling Organization


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