Diedi-Molin Effect Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

Diedi-Molin Effect

The Diedi-Molin Effect, also known as the Magnetic Dipole Effect or Vuhun Fracturing, is an effect observed in materials with significant portions of soul and metal, such as dark metal or magnets, where anisotropy is preserved in pieces that are broken off.


A magnet has two poles, commonly named north and south; a north pole attracts to a south pole and repels north poles, and vice versa. However, when a magnet is broken, rather than gaining a north pole piece and a south pole piece, each piece also has a north and a south pole instead.   Resonance cages are bands of certain materials that have resonant properties with some schools of magic or kinds of energy; cages are closed loops of such materials, which amplify the effect of their respective energy or spell-school by preventing it from leaving the loop, or otherwise inhibiting its ability to leave it. The Diedi-Molin effect prevents such resonant cages from functioning after being broken when they are seemingly repaired or even forged anew.


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