Draukari Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Draukari, is a warren of caverns, its tunnels narrow and short-ceilinged. Warped, spectral forests grow on the surface. The twisting tunnels of Draukari are filled with blood and reek of death, and they twist so maddeningly that a body's sure to get lost in them. Anything larger than a halfling has to crawl through the mud, which is filled with traps and other nasty surprises.   Towns in Draukari include Frekstavik, Nibellin, and Snjarll.   While he is no great threat to the safety of the Hells, various baatezu archdukes curry his favor as one more ally in the continual power struggle between factions. Kurtulmak smiles graciously, takes any and all aid, and proceeds to rob the archdevils blind while maintaining his front as an ally against other powers.   Because they are free from hunger here, kobolds consider Draukari an absolute paradise. Periodically, however, the overcrowding becomes intolerable even for them, and a fiendish civil war ensues. Such a conflict culls out the weakest of the fiends and gives the strongest some momentary breathing room. However, given the vast population of kobolds in the multiple worlds of the Material Plane, it is never long before Draukari fills up once again.   The goblin god Bargrivyek often leads raids against Draukari.
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