Entry from Maxsol The hound archon's journal - 12 of Ernius Document in Theras | World Anvil

Entry from Maxsol The hound archon's journal - 12 of Ernius

"I have seen champions, heroes and hrealds come and go, wither in the sun after they endured many seasons of hurt and joy. They were all powerful, skilled and focused while they were riding a horse into battle or dueling a skilled foe. But those I have admired the most were the ones who wore dignity and grace in their old age,The ones who rode bloody to a losing battle with vitality and vigor, Those who even in their most shameful darkest weakest moments wore a smile on their face. Last night, one of the last heroes - Reid, my friend and brother saved me. But by doing that it cost him. He was beaten, cut paraded and shamed. He told me he wore a smile while facing the abuse, and held his head high when he was presented as a demon to his people.    After he returned, I couldn't sleep. I heard him pray in the night. I heard him plead with the Dawnfather, apologizing for being weak and being helpless. It wounded me when i heard him cry. I wanted to talk to him in the morning and help him. But when i woke, at sunrise -  same as every day he was there. At the edge of the camp, trainning and twisting with just as much intensity as when he wore his lost armor. Even after being beaten, with one arm missing and his pride hurt he wore a smile and did his due diligence. Dawnfather, I don't know if he will acheive as much as the other heroes I have seen. But, for now he is the one for whom i hold the most admiration. He embodies the notion of welcoming today's losses for tomorrow's wins. Thank you for letting me accompany him. GOOD MORNING.  "


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