Fleshslough Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Yurtrus lives in a disgusting realm called Fleshslough, located on Oinos, the first layer of the Gray Waste. A depressing, dreary realm even by the Gray Waste's standards, flora is nonexistant and dies before crossing into Fleshslough. The sole inhabitants of the realm are Yurtrus and his silent orc spirits. It is said that even the native yugoloths of the Gray Waste tread carefully through Yurtrus's realm.   Little more is known of Fleshslough, as it is said that none leave after entering, even the avatars of other powers. The entrance to the realm is a pair of black, iron doors set into an ominous hillside on Oinos. Each time the doors open, the stench of death wafts from within.
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