Gaoqi Language in Theras | World Anvil


The Gaoqi language is a language shared between the people of the North Gulf.

Writing System

Gaoqi is traditionally a spoken language, and lacks a formal alphabet; when its written it is usually done using a pictoral system. In recent years, several attempts have been made to standardize an alphabetic system, with variants including the Kadian script, the Common script, and the Paquecian script.

Geographical Distribution

Gaoqui is a dialect continuum, with significant variation in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary across different regions. The three major dialects are the Tutaki, Puega, and Kenveni, spoken in Tutachin, Puerjin and Kenverporin respectively. While these dialects share many features in common, there are also significant differences due to the history and cultural diversity of the gulf; regardless, a speaker of one dialect can easily understand almost everything said in another dialect, and speakers of different dialects can carry a conversation, though it might lack nuance and connotation.
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