Gold Material in Theras | World Anvil


Gold, the univeralistic known currency in different shape and is the baseline of the currencies.


Physical & Chemical Properties

In its natural state, gold lacks magical properties and requires awakening or the use of catalysts such as rare earths to unlock its potential. Aligned with fire and the sun, awakened gold can enhance and support various forms of magic, although it may struggle with more subtle spells, which can become overwhelmed over time. In its pure form, gold is of little value in battle, as its weight and softness require extensive enchantment (approximately +25% worth) to achieve even a +0% enhancement.   Conversely, a standard gold-iron alloy only needs a modest +5% worth of enchantment to reach the same strength.   While not inherently "good" in nature, gold possesses supernatural purity, and attempts to pervert gold magic items or distort symbols made of gold for opposing purposes may trigger a magical backlash against the perpetrator.   Under specific astrological conditions and crafted by innocents, raw gold can be attuned to the essence of royalty, allowing it to be utilized in various ways to impact or aid the governance of the land it originates from. However, gold also has a tendency to awaken greed and avarice in the hearts of many individuals, particularly dwarves and dragons, who appear especially susceptible to its allure.


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