House Goldensand Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Goldensand

House Goldensand is a noble house in Abaisgar , which resides at the southern desert. they are in charge of the port towns the ocean's kiss, and coral strand. they are usually seen wearing tan and gold fabrics. they are branch house of house sunforge. House Golden sand's commercial power comes from their control over the southern ports, tourism attractions , and their monopoly of various forms of desert transportation.  

Overseers of shipping and transit

house golden sand offers an array of transpotration services to companies and individuals alike. they offer travel and cargo transportation by different vehicles and animals developed especially for the southern desert.  furthermore they own several roads above grounds in the southern desert, made and maintained by the house.  they also own and maintain several underground tunnels to traverse the southern desert. they are  far more expensive but are also more discreet and offer protection from the weather conditions. the entrance to these tunnels is only possible with select magic items given by house golden sand.  patrols and overseers of the roads, are present in both the above ground and underground roads.


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