Merrshaulk Character in Theras | World Anvil


Merrshaulk, is the chief god of the reptilian yuan-ti; He cares little for his followers' well-being, demanding only unwavering devotion and a constant stream of the most gruesome sacrifices – sacrifices of yuan-ti themselves. His chosen clergy, known as the vrael olo (meaning "favored ones"), serve as his instruments on the material plane.   Dwarves are credited with the name "Merrshaulk", a likely corruption of the yuan-ti's true pronunciation: "Mi-Shao-Shur". This sacred name is reserved for their inner circles, a testament to the god's fearsome power and their own secretive nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Merrshaulk is revered by yuan-ti, ophidians, and some spirit nagas.  
Unlike other yuan-ti castes, only the monstrous Shan-Pachan, the human-headed abominations, possess the twisted aptitude to become priests of Merrshaulk. Furthermore, this male-dominated clergy is expected to excel in two critical areas: orchestrating deadly ambushes and fiercely defending their yuan-ti lairs.   Merrshaulk's grip tightens in the southern, rural regions of Buqmat. Here, nomadic tribes have unwittingly spread the serpent god's cult, where it has taken root with horrifying fervor. These depraved followers hold an unshakeable belief in the sanctity of all snakes. To harm one of these slithering creatures is to invite a brutal maiming, and to extinguish a serpent's life is to forfeit one's own in return.   It should be mentioned that the yuan-ti's devotion to Merrshaulk transcends mere worship. It is a symbiotic union of faith and sadism. The pleasure they derive from inflicting suffering is not merely a byproduct of their cruelty; it is a form of religious ecstasy, a way to prove their worth to their devouring god.   In Bayjan, Merrshaulk is more sinister and more dominant. Having his clergy waging war on the Rakishi people there and The Ranas of Bayjan - A war that is currently going to  
Merrshaulk's temples are not for the faint of heart. Hewn from dark stone or nestled within subterranean caverns, these chilling sites are adorned with columns depicting nightmarish scenes: serpents constricting helpless humanoids, or worse, humans contorting and transforming into monstrous serpents themselves. The very heart of these temples pulsates with a primal fear – a central pit teeming with writhing snakes, a constant offering to the god's insatiable hunger.   Stairs are shunned in these unholy places, replaced by slithering ramps that mimic the movement of their deity's favored creatures. For added protection, entrances are deliberately cramped, narrow tunnels designed to allow only the sinuous forms of snakes to pass. This serves as a grim reminder of who holds dominion within and a chilling deterrent to any who dare trespass.

Tenets of Faith

  • Excess is Virtue:
    Mere evil holds no sway. Only acts of extravagant cruelty, exceeding any practical gain, nudge Merrshaulk closer to awakening and shower his favor upon the yuan-ti.
  • Survival Through Depravity:
    While self-preservation and securing resources are necessary, the yuan-ti achieve these ends through grand displays of sadistic violence. This imbues their actions with religious significance and hastens their god's rise.
  • A World in Flames:
    The yuan-ti are instruments of chaos. They sow discord, topple governments, and orchestrate atrocities not for personal gain, but as offerings to Merrshaulk, fueling his inevitable emergence
  • Pleasure is a Poisoned Chalice:
    The joy the yuan-ti take in inflicting suffering is a mere symptom of their corrupted souls. It is incidental to the true purpose – the awakening of the Sleeping Serpent.
  • A Bond with Scales:
    Respect for reptilian life is ingrained in the yuan-ti code. While not obligated to die for other reptiles, they are strictly forbidden from harming or consuming them.
  • The Serpent Devours Its Own:
    Cannibalism is anathema to the yuan-ti. This revulsion stems from a twisted recognition of their own monstrous, hybrid nature.


The Sagacious Slumber is a month-long period of hibernation in the middle of winter, immediately preceded by an orgy of eating. Immediately following the Slumber is the Shedding, in which the yuan-ti shed their skins while sacrificing intelligent beings to their god. The Shedding is followed by a period of particularly energetic activity.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Merrshaulk manifests as a vast yuan-ti abomination with a male Human head and stubby forearms. He has begun to decline into slumber, spending years barely conscious within his snake-infested Abyssal pit. The yuan-ti have declined with him; they believe they can awaken him, however, with enough sacrifice and acts of depravity. Then he will shed his skin and devour the world.   Couatl believe Merrshaulk inevitably declines as he separates from the archetypal core of the universe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and legends

A World Remade
Yuan-ti legend whispers of a cataclysmic event known as "Merrshaulk's Awakening". On that fateful day, their god will rise from his slumber and consume all existence in a monstrous feast. Yet, from these ashes, a horrifying new world will be born.   The yuan-ti take a perverse satisfaction in this apocalyptic vision. They believe that in the aftermath of destruction, they, as Merrshaulk's chosen, will inherit the desolate throne of this ruined world. This twisted faith fuels their atrocities – each act of cruelty and depravity an offering to their god and a step closer to their macabre birthright.
The Eternal Hunger;
Master of thr Pit;
The Serpent Lord;
The Sleeping Serpent;
The Maker of Venom;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Poison, somnolence
Animal (Insect), Darkness (Loss, Shadow, Yule), Chaos (Demodand, Demon, Entropy, Protean), Charm (Captivation), Destruction (Hatred, Torture), Evil (Corruption, Daemon, Demodand, Fear), Madness (None), Magic (Alchemy, Rites), Plant (Leshy, Decay, Growth), Scalykind (Saurian, Venom), Serpent, War (Blood, Duels)
Cobra's Head
Yuan-ti outcasts, hunters
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days
The Sagacious Slumber, The Shedding


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