Mithril Material in Theras | World Anvil


Mithril is a rare and lustrous metal, which possesses a unique combination of properties. It is both lighter than steel yet equally resilient. When skillfully forged, it yields extraordinary armor and is occasionally employed in the creation of other items.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Mithral possesses intriguing properties when exposed to magical spells or spell-like abilities, often leading to unpredictable outcomes. In approximately half of these instances, the individual wielding the mithral item experiences partial and temporary protection from the detrimental effects of magic.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The utility of mithral extends to its applications in crafting. Items fashioned from this exceptional metal weigh only half as much as their steel counterparts. As a result, armor pieces forged from mithral are remarkably lightweight, enabling wearers to leverage their innate agility and facilitating unhindered spellcasting.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Elves like to use Mithril specifically for jewellery and if handled carefuly by elves, they can create a special metal that can be enchanted so that it reflects moonlight or starlight, and can be even enchanted further so it can appear on a specific phase of the moons and specific nights - even corresponding to words in its presence.
Silver-black (ore) Silvery-blue (metal)


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