Rotation of the Continents inside the Prime Material Plane Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

Rotation of the Continents inside the Prime Material Plane

The Laws of the Physics are deeply entwined with magic. The plate of the planet are always moving, since the Prime Material Plane is very close to the four elemental planes (Air, Earth, Fire and Water).    The Main Continents of Epeoris and Rakion therefore are in constant movement and change their locations in relations to each other. Each week, the continents are in other direction from each other, 1 week Rakion sees Epeoris as Eastern in relation and the week after, they see them as north to them and the cycle continues.   For this particular reason, the continents didn't have much knowledge about one other and interaction with each other, was only renewed around the half of the 11th century.
Rotation of the Continents inside the Prime Material Plane

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