Sekolah Character in Theras | World Anvil

Sekolah (SEK-o-la)

Sekolah, the Shark God, is a powerful devil, reigns supreme as the deity of the Sahuagin. These vicious, shark-like humanoids see Sekolah as a reflection of their own savage nature and insatiable hunger. Sahuagin culture is steeped in rituals and offerings dedicated to appeasing their merciless god. Legends whisper of Sekolah's influence in the creation of the Sahuagin race, forever binding them to the endless hunger of the ocean and the thrill of the hunt.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

While the vast majority of Sekolah's worshippers are the vicious Sahuagin, whispers tell of others tempted by his power. The aquatic humans known as Aventi are said to occasionally succumb to his promises, lured by the allure of dominating the undersea depths.  
Priestly Vestments
Sekolah's clergy is an exclusively female order, clad in stark gray and white. These priestesses favor the trident as their weapon, leading raiding parties and claiming their share of spoils after the nobility has taken theirs. Worship of the shark-god takes place in natural caverns exposed at both high and low tides. Offerings of defeated enemies and valuable jewels are presented to Sekolah by the officiating priestesses. The faith operates under a rigid and brutal hierarchy, with ritual combat determining an individual's status.  
The Jaws of Sekolah
This order of Sahuagin blackguards spreads terror throughout the seas in the name of their patron Sekolah. The Jaws of Sekolah were once led by the legendary cleric known only as the Red One.  
Temples dedicated to Sekolah are constructed from either stone or coral. Humble offerings from exiled Sahuagin take the form of crude caves, while grander temples are adorned with vibrant mosaics depicting sharks and triumphant Sahuagin dancers. Seashells, mother-of-pearl, and even actual pearls adorn these sacred spaces, with crystal windows offering a glimpse into the depths. A large ceremonial bowl, ideally placed beneath a statue of Sekolah, serves for offerings and divination. Priestess quarters, guard barracks, and communal eating halls are all standard features. Libraries overflowing with shells and inscribed tablets hold the faith's sacred texts, alongside eelhide scrolls chronicling the settlement's history.

Tenets of Faith

  • Might Makes Right: Strength and savagery are the divine virtues of Sekolah. Only the powerful deserve to thrive, while weakness is anathema. Sahuagin are called to hone their predatory instincts through constant combat and conquest.
  • The ocean is Sekolah's domain, and the Sahuagin are his chosen instruments. Extend your reach, claim territory from lesser races, and drive them from the waters they dare to call home.
  •   The Thrill of the Hunt: Embrace the primal joy of the hunt. Slaughter is a sacred act, an offering to Sekolah and a testament to Sahuagin prowess. Leave no survivors, let fear be your echo.  
  • Prove your worth through ritual combat, ascend the ranks, and claim your rightful dominion over those weaker than you.
  • Face your enemies head-on, fight with relentless fury, and never retreat from a challenge. Only through unwavering aggression can you claim victory.
  • Offer a portion to Sekolah, through his priestesses, to ensure his continued favor and strengthen your own power.
  • Maintain a veil of secrecy over your rituals and traditions. Swift brutality is more effective than drawn-out pronouncements.
  • Seek power, territory, and dominance with an insatiable appetite. There is never enough to satisfy the demands of the shark-god.
  • Harnest its fury in battle, let your attacks be as swift and unpredictable as a storm at sea.
  • Their savagery is a reflection of that dark realm, and Sekolah's power flows from its depths. Embrace the darkness, let it fuel your bloodlust.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Sekolah embodies the ocean's savagery. This monstrous shark-god stretches 50 feet in length, his sleek form a perfect instrument of slaughter. He stalks the deepest trenches, a relentless hunter preying on colossal squid and other unfortunate creatures that dare to cross his path.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and legends

The Calling to the Depths
In the forgotten age when the oceans teemed with voiceless leviathans, Sekolah, the fearsome devil god, stalked the abyssal depths. After a momentous conquest, he unleashed a victory song, a haunting melody that resonated through the ocean trenches. For the first time, an answer echoed back from the inky void of the Abyss. Intrigued, Sekolah continued his song, and slowly, a colossal shell emerged from the darkness. Cracking open, it revealed the very first Sahuagin, instinctively drawn by the god's call. They swam in Sekolah's presence, their voices joining his triumphant aria in a perfect harmony.  
The Enslavement of Demogorgon
Legends whisper of a bygone era when Sekolah, wielding a potent artifact, bent the demon lord Demogorgon to his will. Though the Prince of Demons ultimately clawed his way back to freedom, a flicker of fear still lingers. He hesitates to unleash his full fury upon Sekolah or his devoted Sahuagin followers. This caution extends to the ixitxachitl, Demogorgon's own worshippers, who find a twisted pleasure in spilling Sahuagin blood. This perverse delight fuels the simmering rivalry between the two undersea races.


Contacts & Relations

A ravenous monstrosity, Sekolah holds no regard for any race but the vicious Sahuagin. He inspires particular loathing in Deep Sashelas, while Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons, harbors a deep-seated revulsion for him. However, Demogorgon hesitates to confront Sekolah directly.
The Shark-God;
The Lord of the Deep Jaws;
The Silent Stalker;
The First Hunger;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Sahuagin, hunting, tyranny, plunder
Evil (Cannibalism, Devil, Fear), Law (Devil, Inevitable, Judgement, Slavery, Tyranny), Strength, War, Water
A Great white shark or a dorsal fin rising from the water
Sahuagin, Kopru, krakens, kuo-toa, sahuagin, scrags, sea hags
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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