Sentinel Guardian Item in Theras | World Anvil

Sentinel Guardian

Sentinel Guardian, often called as Helmed Horror is a construct used by many practioners of the arcane in order to protect and serve as guardian.  
Sentinel Guardians manifest as animated suits of plate mail, ranging from 5 to 7 feet in height. The appearance of the armor varies; sometimes it seems weathered and ancient, while other times it gleams with a well-maintained luster. Despite being entirely empty, occasional bursts of magical purple light emanate from the joints. Helmed horrors typically keep their visors down and primarily serve as tireless magical guardians. However, some are crafted for specific tasks, necessitating them to roam.   As time passes, these helmed horrors often outlive their creators, interpreting their final orders more broadly as the binding magics gradually fade away. They do not communicate verbally, but possess an understanding of Common and potentially other languages.  
Special Abilities and Tactics
Sentinel Guardians employ strategic tactics, using ranged weapons against vulnerable targets or engaging in melee combat. They leverage their air walk ability to maneuver skillfully, particularly when facing adversaries restricted to the ground. These constructs do not always fight to the death; instead, they prioritize survival and the ability to fulfill their designated tasks, unless fleeing would completely jeopardize their mission. Upon being destroyed, a Sentinel Guardian's armor disintegrates into molten remnants. In addition, it is rumored that the Sentinel Guardians employed by Heimdall's order of knights, The Overwatch Knights are using Sentinel Guardians, which can regenerate and its rumored to be far more greater.  
Although Sentinel Guardians engage in combat with the expertise of seasoned warriors, utilizing aerial maneuvers to target vulnerable opponents and spellcasters initially. However, it lacks the discernment to alter its surroundings, reinforce them, or actively enhance its defensive stance - unlike the Warforged, which are rumored to possess much more intelligence than that.


The Sentinel Guardian was created after the The Elemental and Genies Wars in a combined effort of Elves and Dwarves that escaped Rakion to Azerbayjan, trapping elemental essence.   The combined effort received much success in Saruun, who sought to capitalize on this achievement, exporting them to the world. The success was so great, that it is told that Heimdall himself bestowed his blessing on this everguarding sentinels.


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