Sentinels of Everbloom Rise Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Sentinels of Everbloom Rise

The Sentinels of Everbloom Rise known as the guardians of Everbloom Rise, however, today those Sentinels are known to be the casters of the kingdom.   Much like the golden elanor and pristine niphredil flowers that grace the hillside, and the outer trees adorned in ivory bark while the inner circle boasts the resplendent Eldertrees, the shields of the Guardians bear these colors. Each hue symbolizes the essence they are sworn to safeguard.   Every Guardian is entrusted with upholding the legacy of King Thalindor: beauty, abundance, courage, and wisdom.


The Sentinels, were the Guardians of Everbloom Rise, an esteemed cadre, stand as vigilant protectors, preserving the sanctity of this hallowed ground and its timeless allure.
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