Silver Material in Theras | World Anvil


Silver is a highly valued precious metal utilized throughout Theras for a wide range of purposes.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Silver is commonly minted into coins throughout the realms, with variations in shape, size, and value depending on their origin.   Although, silver has extensive application in currency, weaponry, armor, jewelry, and magical artifacts, sought after for its purity and aesthetic appeal.  
Weapons & Armor
Creating a silver weapon involves bonding silver to a steel base through a complex process known as alchemical silvering. This process, also referred to as silvering, cannot be applied to non-metal or exotic materials like adamantine, cold iron, or mithral. While silvered weapons are effective against creatures vulnerable to silver, they are relatively more fragile. The cost of silvering varies based on the size and type of weapon.   Magic Items Silver is frequently used in the crafting of magical items related to light and moon magic. During the Era of Decline, pure silver was employed in the creation of magic rings that enhanced the wearer's spellcasting abilities.   Enchanting When subjected to magical treatment, silver exhibits the weight and resistance to electricity comparable to steel.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Shapechangers, including lycanthropes, are specifically susceptible to the effects of silver. Vampires, devils, wraiths, and wights also share this vulnerability.



Maintaining the luster of silver requires regular polishing with a non-abrasive cloth.


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