the breaking of the scepter Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

the breaking of the scepter

The breaking of the scepter was an attack on the scholar town which resided where Echooasis is today.

The Conflict


500 cultists residing in the The hills of deceit surprised the scholars blacksmiths and arcane users in the town at night. by sunrise all of the townfolk were murdered or sacrificed in a blood ritual.


The day after the attack powerful mercenaries were employed by House Sunforge to clear the town of any cultists left and to secure an important magical artifact. after two days of urban warfare, the town was cleared.


The head of the House Sunforge, presented the council of the 7 houses with a directive to destroy the place of origin of the attacks. he presented the economical dangers with letting the cultists to continue to live and got theapproval to use
national funds. he used the funds to hire a group of arcane users to eradicate the cultists and their place of origin. it is unclear what sort of magic used, but by the next day the hills of deceit were destroye almost entirely.
Conflict Type
Start Date
449 AB
Conflict Result
the creation of Echooasis and the destruction of the hills of deceit


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