The Dual Weave theory Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

The Dual Weave theory

The Dual weave theory centers around the idea that in order to practice arcane magic, the caster geograpicaly needs to be in an area where 'Arcane magic' is able to be casted, that is because each geographic location has a different medium in order for the arcane caster to draw arcane power from, and shape it to the best of the caster abillity and knowledge.   This theory had been studied in the post-Menadenyan era and ever from that never had been able to be disaproved.     The 'Weave' is a medium that connects the raw power inherent in everything, that is spread all through the planes and far between, to the 'Arcane caster'. each plane has each it own 'Intra-Weave', a specific weave that adapted to the conditions of each plane.   Some areas do not have any specific weave, that is considered a 'Dead Weave zone', where arcane casting cannot be casted.     Many later scholars have studied the ties between 'Arcane casting', 'Divine casting' and 'Chaotic casting'. One of the main findings that 'Divine casting', is Strictly connected to the 'Ultra-Weave', that not only is the medium between the power of the divine sources to the facet, the 'Divine caster', and also that it can be casted in 'Dead Intra-Weave zone'. another finding is that 'Chaotic casting' doesnt have any connection to the 'Weave'.       Some experimental scholars had tried to recreate tiny portions of the 'Weave' and tried to reconstruct the conditions that result in 'Dead Intra-Weave zones' with 'Arcane' toolsets. Each 'School of magic' has its own and different connection to the 'Weave'. It was found that the combination of certain schools of magic together had caused better results than the use of only one type of field of expertise or a combination of other fields of expertise.   They found that: The combination of Divination and Necromancy is highly effective, both in reducing and enlarging 'Dead Intra-weave zones', the reasons for so are only speculated by the nature of those specific duo.   The Combination of Enchantment, Abjuration and Conjuration, are found to be somewhat effective in reducing, and effective to some extent in enlarging 'Dead intra-weave zones' yet highly costly.   Evocation and Illusion found to be inefficient in any known combination.       Scholars of the 'Divine-Eerie Separation' had come to believe the 'Ultra-Weave' is actually the same phenomena explained from the 'Theological' perspective and the 'Magological'.


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