The Master's Ashes

This is a magical ring, made out of human ashes that are magically frozen solid. Like other magical rings, this ring changes size to fit different wearers. The ring feels much, much heavier than its material suggests, heavier than a ring of similar size made of lead.
  The Master's Ashes was created by accident. The Master of the Temple of Death, was also the Holy Man Hosadus, who helped defeat the monsters who threatened the Land of Huie. Hosadus brought peace and prosperity to Huie, and in return the people of Huie accepted his theocratic despotism. over time, his identity eroded and was hidden, and he remained only "The Master". When the Demon Lord Thros threatened the Kingdom of Keatis, an elite group of Knights of Keatis, led by Jake Fortson was sent to Huie, and they managed to defeat Thros and kill the Master. Carrying his body back from Huie, the knights eventually arrived at the Crypt of Badr al-Masak, where the gods of judgement and death rule over the restless dead. There, on the altar of goodness, the knights sacrificed the dead body of the Master. The righteous gods of judgement and death burned the body completely, turning the body into ash, and then condensed the body to the shape of this magical ring: The Master's Ashes.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When wearing this ring, you cannot break the law. Any enchantment or effect that attempts to force you to break the law automatically fails. If you deliberately break the law, you immediately suffer 4d10 psychic damage.
When fighting any restless dead, you enjoy a + 1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. In addition, whenever you destroy one of the restless dead, their soul is pushed to the far plains, and they cannot be raised or returned without divine intervention.
When turning undead, they roll resistance to your turn attempt with disadvantage.
Undead who fail this roll also suffer 2d8 holy damage, in addition to being turned. The righteous gods of judgement and death transformed the body of the Master into a tool of order and tranquility in order to restore balance and justice. When facing an agent of chaos and destruction, pray to the gods of judgement and death to channel the powers of the Master; allow the spirit of Hosadus to move through you, to strengthen you, so once the agent of chaos and destruction is destroyed, the spirit of Hosadus could move on to the far plains. This also removes the effect that maintains the ring, and the ring would turn to dust.


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