The Stone Guard Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Stone Guard

The Stone Guard is the offical military of the southern part of abaisgar, headed by House Stonemantle. Its main base and trainning grounds is in the eastern mounatins of abaisgar which is also House Stonemantle's ancestral sit. 

Duties and Responsibilites

The Stone Guard functions as the main military and policing force of southrn abaisgar. while not all military and policing personell in the southern part of abaisgar is a part of the stone guard, each seperate millitary or policing force in the form of contractors in the south is a subordinate of a high ranking officr of the stone guard. personal guards of the 12 houses are an exception to this rule and are not subordinated to an officer in the stone guard.  

millitary uniform

the soldiers in the iron guard are identified by black and gray fabrics, usually matched with a silver armor and a gray pin signifying their rank and position. other subordinated units carry a blank gray pin which signifies the authority given to them by the stone guard, despite not being a part of the stone gurad.


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