The War of Forgotten Lore Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The War of Forgotten Lore

The War of Forgotten Lore was a momentous clash between two prominent elven factions: the Eladrin and the Drow. These distinct branches of elvenkind found themselves locked in a fierce conflict, driven by their differing approaches to magic and their desires for dominance.   The conflict unfolded through a series of grueling battles and skirmishes, with both sides utilizing their unique strengths and strategies. The Drow, shrouded in shadow and wielding their sinister magics, launched relentless offensives that proved too overwhelming for the Eladrin to withstand. Despite the valiant efforts of the Eladrin, they were ultimately forced to retreat, seeking refuge within the ethereal realm of the Feywild and the Upper planes - becoming Fey Eladrin and Celestial Eladrin respectively.

The Conflict


At the heart of the war lay a struggle for control and safeguarding of ancient arcane artifacts and mystical sites. The Eladrin, renowned as guardians of esoteric knowledge, fought to preserve and harness the power of these artifacts for the betterment of their kind and the realms they held dear. In contrast, the Drow, steeped in forbidden magics and drawn to the darkness, sought to exploit these artifacts to further their own sinister agendas.


The stakes were high, as the artifacts and magical sites at the center of the conflict held immense power and potential consequences for the world. The Eladrin fought valiantly to protect and safeguard these ancient treasures, while the Drow employed cunning and dark magic to seize control of them.


Throughout the war, both sides suffered heavy losses. Lives were lost, cities were ravaged, and the very fabric of the elven realms was torn asunder.


The War of Forgotten Lore marked a pivotal moment in elven history, as the Drow successfully emerged triumphant against the Eladrin.
Start Date
9,122 BB
Ending Date
8,461 BB
Conflict Result
Drow Victory


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