
Tortles are a race of intelligent tortoise-like reptilians which are thought exinct during 3rd Sirilisch Crusade in Rakion.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Tortles only reproduce near the end of their natural lifespans. When their offspring hatch from their eggs, they spend the remainder of their lives sharing all their life experiences and teaching survival skills. Young tortles become orphans after about one year, by which time they are expected to be able to fend for themselves.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Most tortles have the notion of having their home on their backs, they rarely feel homesick or the need to lay roots in any single place. They are eager to learn new customs and find beauty in the most ordinary things.
This solitary nature is not due to their quarrelsome nature with other of their kind. Tortles form communities only for the duration of their upbringing of their young, more out of the need for safety, and less for courtship. Tortles are orphaned and each fend for themselves soon after they hatch, and are extremely competitive towards each other.
Despite this isolation, tortles form strong friendships with other races, who they view as source of knowledge and protection. During their long lifespan it is not uncommon for a turtle to travel for half a century and more with a close group of friends that are comprised from various different races.


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