
The wereraven is a lycanthrope that could transform into a giant raven or a raven-humanoid hybrid.   Wereravens are amongst the wisest lycanthropes, and have genius intelligence. They were good-willed, but uncommon. These werebeasts have three forms: human form, giant raven form, and hybrid form. Only natural wereravens can assume all three forms, whereas infected wereravens can only assume the human form and one of the other two.   When transforming into one of the non-human forms, the being grew feathers from its skin, which slowly turns into large wings (allowing them to be proficient in aerial combat). In this process, the arms move downwards to accommodate the wings, whilst the mouth transformed into a beak.

Civilization and Culture


The Wereravens came first into being after The Gods War, where The Raven Queen had destroyed Baravor and unintentionally, as it is with destroying divine powers, had inflicted curse on all the zealots and acolytes of Baravor.
  However, for reasons unknown, the Raven queen couldn't take the curse off, even though she was one of the greatest powers in the universe, so she had relucantly, taken the Wereravens under her wings.


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