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Alchemical Slime-Folk

Driven by their endless curiosity, the Alchemical Slime Folk revel in experimentation. They emerged recently as more slime folk made their home in sprawling cities and encountered the many arcane marvels city life has to offer. Their alchemical nature manifests in vibrant colors that these peculiar Slime Folk feature, which might shift and adapt with their elemental balance of their bodies. Unique even among other Slime Folk, their sense of taste is highly refined, able to determine the components and nature of a material by thoroughly handling it. This innate ability for analysis allows alchemical slime girls to feed their ceaseless curiosity.

Focused on their pursuit of knowledge, the Alchemical Slime Folk are scatterbrained, but smarter and more analytical than other Slime Folk. Their bodies contain alchemical components which is a frequent subject of the Alchemical

Slime Folk’s studies. As a result of that, they gained an understanding of their unique anatomy and learned to shift their alchemical composure to favor one elemental balance over the others.

Alchemical Makeup. Your inner balance of alchemical components grant you unique perks. Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison. You are resistant to the chosen damage type. Additionally you learn one of the following cantrips depending on the chosen damage type:
Damage Resistance Cantrip Learned
Acid acid splash
Cold ray of frost
Fire firebolt
Lightning shocking grasp
Poison poison spray
When you create the character, you choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for it.
Alchemical Adaption. Your knowledge about your inner alchemy is vast and you learned to adapt and alter your inner chemistry. You can change your inner chemistry by consuming 50 gp worth of arcane material components and change your resistance and exchange the corresponding cantrip to the new one according to your new resistance of your Alchemical Makeup trait after one minute of digestion. Changing your inner chemistry might change the color of your body to reflect your change. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you have finished a long rest.

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