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Slime Folk

The exact nature and origin of these strange humanoids is a mystery to today’s sages. The Slime Folk’s records of their limited history are oral traditions, which are frustratingly inconsistent as records vary widely from one colony to the next and usually taken at face value by the Slime Folk who do not seem to care to verify any of these tales.

Leading theories about the Slime Folk’s origins range from being Juiblex’s errant creation, the result of an accident of magical refuse, or a simple aberrant mutation from the underdark. What can be agreed is that the Slime Folk have a lineage with the monstrous oozes around the world, with whom they share many properties. They live between the surface and the depths of the underdark in sprawling colonies that house hundreds of Slime Folk.

The Slime Folk are always willing to lend a helping hand, their social reach and habitats remain as spread out and flexible as their amorphous bodies.

Slime Folk Names

Slime Folk commonly do not see the need for names for one another within their colonies. But as contact with the surface world was made and the concept of names got introduced to the Slime Folk it became a trend that quickly caught on. Slime Folk choose their own names and know little about the deeper meaning and importance of names which they see as surface level accessories. This has lead to many of the Slime Folk’s chosen names to be whimsical, tongue-in-cheek, or nonesensical.
Male Names
: Androop, Augoostus, Blobert, Crooze, Droopy, Elijam, Fargrime, Goobert, Hooey, Isastretch, Jiggle-Jack, Keigel, Loo, Murmy-Marc, Neebs, Oozeborne, Quiscus, Raggidy, Slick, Tarvis, Ulabog, Virool, Warmire, Xerbles, Yambo, Zeta

Female Names
: Amorpha, Bubbles, Chartar, Dribble, Elizablob, Felicitar, Goondula, Haggles, Icky, Jammy, Karambrine, Lemon, Mucy, Oozmerelda, Pudding, Queque, Ramba, Slimantha, Tarbitha, Uppa, Victaria, Wobblarella, Xana, Ylla, Zayamorph

Slime Folk Traits

Your oozelike nature gives you plents of advantages, some of which are determined by your subrace.
. Slime Folk mature within the first six years of their life, but can mature quicker if plenty of nourishment is available. Once matured, they live up to 200 years, though some Slime Folk are known live way past this age.
. Slime folk’s friendly demeanor and eagerness to please others have them lean towards being good aligned, but trusting nature makes them easy to manipulate. Their flexible personalities causes them to neither prefer law or chaos, instead they prefer to go with the flow of a given situation.
. Slime Folk vary widely in size between 4 to 7 feet. Your size is Medium.
. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
. You can speak, read and write Common, Undercommon, and one additional language. Slime Folk usually pick up the common language spoken within the land they initially emerge from after leaving their colonies.
Ooze Nature
. You are considered both an ooze and a humanoid. You can be affected by a game effect if it works on either of these creature types.
. Instead of grappling a creature with your arms, you can take hold of a creature with your oozelike body. When grappling you can use your Constitution in place of your Strength. Additionally, as an action you can attempt to engulf an object or creature of your size or smaller within 5 ft. of yourself. The creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled by you. A creature grappled this way is partially engulfed in your body and restrained for the duration of the grapple. You can have one creature or object grappled this way at a time. The DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier.
. You have a natural weapon attack that deals 1d6 plus your Strength modifier acid damage.
. You can move through a space as narrow as 1 foot wide without squeezing. If any equipment you’re holding or carrying is larger than the space you are attempting to pass through, it gets left behind.


Slime Folk come in several shapes and colors. More importantly, they come in different types. Choose one of the following subraces to determine your exact slime folk nature: Alchemical, Eldritch, Feral, and Mnemonic.
Alchemical Slime-Folk
Eldritch Slime-Folk
Feral Slime-Folk
Mnemonic Slime-Folk

Basic Information


The form of the Slime Folk body is gelatinous, flexible matter: similar to their ooze relatives, they are able to bend, squeeze, morph, and adjust far beyond the capabilities of other typical humanoids. This however, doesn’t make their bodies immune to damage from blunt trauma or exhaustion. Enough damage to their physical form will lead their bodies to lose stability and consistency.

Slime Folk vary wildly in size, in spirit with their flexible nature. Commonly they average around the size relative to a human, though outliers towards the either extreme are not uncommon. Their gelatinous bodies have a translucent sheen that can range from clear to murks and feature a variety of colors. Some rare specimens might feature several colors manifesting in patterns or gradients.

Being an ooze, the Slime Folk can taste with the entirety of their body - their sense is selective to prevent overstimulation. Further, the Slime Folk are able to store large amounts of fluids and food in their body, which can drastically morph and expand their size.
by QueenChikkibug
”Don‘t be afraid, I am a friendly ooze!”

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