LAST Divistion

Labyrinth Alternative Specialized Tactictics Division, or LAST, is a special task force that operates directly under the U.S: Department of Defence. Its existence is kept extremely secret and even reports to the president are modified to stay as close to the truth as possible without the risk of larger secrets slipping into the hands of the people. When the division was founded during World War II, there was a fear that a populist leader might be elected and abuse the division. Therefore it is kept secret even from elected officials. It has been pointed out that this is hardly befitting a democracy, but oddly, those who are in power to know are also keen on keeping that power.   The fact that this organisation side-steps all regular hierarchies also gives it a bizarre legal status. In theory, it has no rights as it doesn't exist on paper. But it also can instantly be given access to any other government agency. And if any members commit crimes in the line of service, such issues are just removed.   "Labyrinth" in the name of the division is a code word for the Thicket of Thorns used amongst many of the scientists who first brought it to the attention of the US government.



The exact number of personnel and any details about them is considered eyes only, top-secret, on a need-to-know basis. But it's fair to say that there are more than a dozen and less than 50 members in total.


There is no such thing as a standard mission for LAST. They need access to everything from high-tech sensors to ancient tomes. Some of them even use salvaged parts of beings from other worlds.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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