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Silverdenn History: • T   • Dwarves: ◦ The richest ore deposits in the Mountains are taken over by Dwarves during the war for survival. They formed enclaves around the deposits and founded new clans in the process. ◦ The Dwarves trade with whomever shows their clans and their craft respect and can pay. ◦ The clans connect the enclaves in the following three ages into an underground tunnel and mining system, called the "Silver Reaches" 0   ▪ Race: Aasimar (Tiefling looking) ▪ founder of the Order of the Silver Rose founder of Silverdenns Theocracy founder of Eshors Theocracy (not known in Silverdenn) legendary healer warhero ▪ known as "the Martyr" for his habit of protecting people with his life and/or suffering in their stead, only to miraculously survive ▪ Disapearance: 1577 AB – after rescuing the city of Cratina from a plague, taking the suffering off all people on himself and then vanishing ▪ Choosen of the Creator, wielder of the Artifact "Creatio" • Important dates: ◦ Legitimisation of the Order of the Silver Rose: 1286 AB (Arissos Accords) ◦ Disapearance of Faith the Martyr: 1577 AB ◦ Founding of the major organisations: Caliga: 1535 AB Inquisition: 1683 AB Venatori: 1759 AB   Government: • Theocratic rule by the Church of the Creator • Holy Father is head of state – speaks with the authority of the creator • administrative units: ◦ Country: ▪ gouverned by Holy Father & Cardinals ▪ capital city: Yrvenor ◦ Archdioceses: ▪ gouverned by Archbishops ▪ exist around and are named after the 7 biggest cities • Names: Yrvenor, Dogmata, Atriens, Logeus, Cratina, Verona, Thelas ◦ Dioceses: ▪ gouverned by Bishops ▪ part of Archdioceses     Political Relations: • Mer'anin & Vor'anin: ◦ bad, but existent (2/5) ◦ need a "permit / visa" to visit Silverdenn, are regularly contacted by the Inquisition if in Silverdenn • Redblades / Arissos: ◦ good • Osheria ◦ very good • Chalia ◦ very good • Guodalir ◦ very good ◦ only Goliaths from Guodalir can be part of the Holy Fathers Guard (kind of like the Swiss Guard) Church of the Creator: • Modeled after Catholic Church: ◦ Ranks: Holy Father > Cardinal > Archbishop > Bishop > Pastor • Holy Father: ◦ Libertus II. ◦ In rule since 2015 • Notable Cardials: ◦ Cardinal Di Travino ▪ personal friend of the Holy Father ▪ oversees the Inquisition & Venatori ▪ power–person ▪ considers Urban morally inflexible and naive ◦ Cardinal Urban ▪ responsible for the governing aspects of the Church ▪ extremely strict in the rules of the religion ▪ hero of the country and most loved cardinal ▪ considers Di Travino morally rotten ◦ Cardinal Gernatz ▪ oversees the Caliga ▪ uninterested in humans, only interested in destroying Fiends & Undead ◦ Cardinal Connais ▪ has oversight over: • public and restricted library • relics and treasures     Relevant Cities: • Yrvenor (Capital City): ◦ split into two parts, similiar to todays rome: ▪ Yrvenor: => basically a normal city • Points of Interest: ◦ cathedrals and other relioious buildings ◦ parks ▪ Peregrinus: => basically vatican city and Seat of the Church of the Creator • Points of Interest: ◦ Holy Chair ◦ Church library ◦ Church treasure vault and reliquary ◦ Headquarter of the Guodalir Guard • Dogmata – city of St. Dogmael ◦ Seat of the Order of the Silver Rose • Atriens – city of St. Adrian ◦ famous for: ▪ port & navy ▪ markets, merchants & guilds • Logeus – city of St. Eulogius ◦ Seat of the Inquisition • Cratina – city of St. Encratia • Verona – city of St. Veronica ◦ Seat of the Venatori ◦ famous for university and libraries • Thelas – city of St. Ethel ◦ famous for art and masonry ◦ close connection to Silverdeep   • Silverdeep: ◦ Dwarven Citadel ◦ famous for dwarven stone masons ◦ close connection to Thelas • Runehold: ◦ Dwarven Citadel • High Hammer: ◦ former Dwarven Citadel, current Seat of the Caliga: ▪ 1523 AB: High Hammer is overrun and taken by Duergar => "Silver Band" becomes unpassable between Runehold & Ember Hall ▪ 1526 AB: undead Duergar start to appear in the Silver Band => attack Runehold & Ember Hall relentlessly ▪ 1533 AB: Dwarves officially ask for assistance when living Duergar perform large scale attacks on Runehold & Silverdeep simultaneously to the undead on different fronts ▪ 1534 AB: Faith the Martyr mobilises forces and clears High Hammer and kills the Lich residing there, after a one-year long campaign ▪ 1535 AB: Order of the Caliga is founded as an answer to dark forces and a treaty between Dwarves and Faith the Martyr is formed => Caliga obtain the Citadel => Caliga watch the Silver Band • Ember Hall: ◦ Dwarven Citadel     Society: • Highly religious and devoted to the creator (does not mean radical !!!) • social values strongly based on faith and religion • Social Acceptance: ◦ Magic: ▪ Arcane Spellcasters: • Arcane Spellcasters are considered dangerous and vile. People automatically associate evil intentions with the ability to cast magic. Magic is to be bestowed by the Creator and the Saints. • Arcane Spellcasters can only use their craft if they are associated with the Inquisition, Venatori or have a special permit from an Archbishop. And even then they are feared and mistrusted. • Mer'anin and Vor'anin are widely seen as power hungry, manilpulative, selfserving organisations that disregard the righteous path a devoted follower of the creator should take in live. ▪ Magic Items: • The ownership, trade, distribution and research of magical items are under heavy restrictions. • Generally, a permit is needed for any of the above. If missing such a permit, magic items can be confiscated by Clergy, Inquisition, Venatori, Caliga or the local lawmen. ▪ Divine Spellcasters: • Spellcasters that are associated with the divine (whether rightfully or wrongly due to lack of knowledge) are considered "Miracle Workers" and held in high regard. • People with divine powers are also considered to be chosen by the Creator or the Saints. ▪ General Information: • It is noteworthy, that the general populus has no idea about other sources of divine magic such as Nature for Druids. • The attitude towards magic and magical items is highliy dependent on presentation and whether they can be viewed as "good" by someone who has no idea about them. • Generally it holds that "magic" is accepted as long as people believe it is good, if "bad" things start to happen around a mage, people are quick to blame. ◦ Organisations: ▪ Redblades: • widely regarded as witch hunters who protect the people ▪ Order of the Silver Rose: • widely regarded as heroes with a calling to protect the people ▪ Venatori: • Similiar to Witchers in "The Witcher". Meaning, they are feared & sometimes hated as Monsters, Killers etc. Venatori become suddenly very popular if an actual Monster shows up ▪ Caliga: • The Caliga are very reclusive, so the general populus only knows them from legends and stories. They are considered holy warriors. ▪ Inquisition: • generally feared for its ruthelessness and power, but accepted to do the creators work ◦ Non – Humans: ▪ Dwarves, Elves, Half-Elves, Gnomes, Halflings: • widely accepted if they blend in and hold themselfs to local customs, e.g. praying before meals, going to the church to confess etc. • worhip of their traditional gods is accepted if kept at home or in respective areas • the more "needed" they are, the more accepted they become ▪ Tieflings: • There are NO LAWS against Tieflings, but they are still generally unaccepted by the populus. • Degree of "persecution" varies on area and circumstances: ◦ Tieflings living in cities might be considered "second class" people that a proper person does not associate with. ◦ Tieflings might be automatically considered as darkfriends if not with a reputable organisation. ▪ Goliaths: • only people allowed in the Mountain Guard, the personal guard of the Holy Father • not really known outside of being part of the Mountain Guard ▪ Orcs / Half–Orcs, Goblins etc.: • widely considered as barbaric, or even evil creations of the Dark One. ▪ Dragonborn: • accepted as creations of Ethel / Demonthia by those with the respective knowledge, but unknown otherwise Important Organisations: • Inquisition ◦ founded 1683 AB by Holy Father Pius I. ◦ "secret police" • Venatori ◦ founded 1759 AB by Holy Father Atrus II. ◦ Bloodhunters, Bloodmages, Arcane Casters, "Monsters" ◦ hunt and exterminate "evil" using any means necessary ◦ Venatori Order was created by the church to specifically diminish the influence of the Silver Rose and take over their role as monster hunters while being non-autonomous from the state ◦ fight the Silver Rose on a political level for influence, contracts and power • Caliga ◦ founded 1535 AB by Faith the Martyr ◦ Divine Soldiers fightening "evil" using their faith ◦ their signature look are white priest robes with a red stash and a weapon   • Order of the Silver Rose: ◦ Religious Military Order: ▪ worshiped gods: Dogmael, Eulogius, Palladius, Gaed ◦ Activities: ▪ Vigilance against any potential threats to Ylarra and Silverdenn. ▪ Standing ready to stop any aggression from evil beings and the Dark Land. ▪ Investigation of potential threats and/or secretive organizations. ▪ Watch over creatures the Order sees as inherently evil. ◦ Core Beliefs: ▪ Faith is a member's most potent weapon against evil. ▪ Great challenges require heroic demonstrations of both strength and valor. ▪ It is justified to punish an act of evil, not a thought or feeling. ◦ Founding: ▪ no one knows exactly how old the Order is ▪ it was founded in a particlualrly troubled time during the WTY ▪ it was legitimised and granted a seat in the area today called Dogmata in the Arisos Accords 1286 AB ◦ Rights, Privileges and Duties: ▪ Rights & Privileges: • acts autonomous from the state • can make contracts with persons and institutions • kinda like a "private" security provider ▪ Duties & Restrictions: • there are implements in the Arissos Accords preventing exploitation • are bound to protect people by the Accords, cannot just say "NO" • violating the Accords results in their privileges being revoked ◦ Current Political Stiuation: ▪ Gouvernement does not like their independence ▪ Venatori Leadership tries to undermine the Silver Rose ▪ Silver Rose is constantly watched for possible violation of the Accords Important NPCs: • Father Mart – "Hammer of Witches" ◦ technically only pastor ◦ answers directly to Cardinal Di Travino ◦ fights evil outside the structures of Venatori, Inquisition & Caliga ◦ has ABSOLUTE faith in the creator but is not radical • Ludwig van Normayenn ◦ Member of the Silver Rose ◦ keeps Scarecrow in check, who sort of accepts his orders ◦ has a good reputation with "Monsters" – only kills dangerous creatures ◦ knew the real Krusk • Scarecrow ◦ Follows Ludwig van Normayenn – no one knows why, not even he ◦ seems like posessed/animated scarecrow but is weirdly powerfull and neigh indestructible ◦ never speaks / cannot speak ◦ loves killing, loves watching killing ◦ extremely curious, loves art ◦ draws strength from killing and "drinking" blood ◦ does only help randomly • Vladimir Nikolaj Dorosevskj ◦ Member of the Ring ◦ Member of the Venatori ◦ Dhampir

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