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GM information:   Situation Overview: 1. City in the grasp of Cratinas Fever => looters, cults, disease, 2. Camaxtli is responsible for the outbreak of Cratinas Fever => weaken Eshor => collect souls via soul magic to gain more power => build an army of undead on Eshor's doorstep, bind Eshor's Military => hiding under Verbi dictrict 3. Nalfashnee is in the city => transformed into sickness-spreading monstrosity by consuming infected => settled in Castle Colour Code: • Enemies • Items • Allies • Info/Quest related to PC's backstory • Quests           History Solesino's founding predates the official founding of Eshor's theocracy. The province in which Solesino is located has been famous for its wine even longer. • 1422 AB: Founding ◦ Settlement founded by a community of devout people who sought a place to cultivate the land and practice their religious beliefs in peace. • ~ 1450 AB: Expansion & Prosperity ◦ Settlement beginns expanding steadily ◦ cultivation of grapes & winemaking become central industry ◦ Giorga Cacace establishes his family as foremost power • ~ 1500 AB: District Formation ◦ city expannds more ◦ districts Uva and Aquilam form, named after natural resources and features ◦ Cacace family is now officially ruling dynasty of Solesino and surrounding province • ~ 1550 AB: Artisan Renaissance & Cultural Center ◦ district Artificum emerges as hub for skilled artisans and craftsmen ◦ district Verbi emerges from historical old town ◦ Cacace family is now officially ruling dynasty of Solesino and surrounding province • 1590 AB: Faith the Martyr ◦ Two brothers of the Cacace family fight over their right to rule Solesino ◦ Faith arrives in Solesino ◦ Faith rallies the people and ends the conflict ◦ the mob kills all people in the Cacace family ◦ Faith establishes the Eagleeye family as rulers ◦ Faith "stores" Cratinas Fever behind walls of protection in Solesino • ~ 1625 AB: Economic Divide ◦ district Ditium forms due to economical divide ◦ leads to the emergence of nobility • 2021 AB: Cratinas Fever ◦ started in Verbi district ◦ city is under quarantene ◦ verbi is completely locked because of undead roaming the area Districts Aliquam • "Orange District" named after the oranges grown there • poorer part of town but not a slum by any means • open spaces, orange groves, modest homes and small farms • points of interest Uva • "grape district" – named after Solesino's famous Wine • heart of the wine production • lush vineyards stretch across the landsacpe until far away from the city walls • none of the wine will be harvested this year • points of interest   Artificum • "district of artisans" • empty shops, no one works any more • no clanging of hammers, no saws squeaking, no bustling of workers • only silent sobs, screams of pain and prayer between the sturdy buildings • points of interest ◦ Capella Vini ▪ description: little chuch with made of white stone walls are clad in wooden trellises overgrown by vines inside there are drawings of grapes, farmers and winemakers ▪ worship: Saint Honorata (Mountain) ▪ people: lay sister Triza Nucklestamp (Rock Gnome) ▪ quests: ◦ Capella Requiminis Viator ◦ Praesidium ◦ Forum Agricolae ◦ Processio Vinolentium   ◦ Aeternus Custos ▪ 5 meter tall stone statue depicting a warrior with shield, spear and stone wings on its back ▪ proportions seem somewhat dwarvish ▪ wears full helmet with visor down ▪ wings are eagle's wings ▪ shield depicts the coat of arms of Solesino ▪ grapevines are carved as if growing around the spear ▪ poem carved into th stone below its feet:   In stone, I stand, a sentinel so tall, A guardian to answer the city's call. When shadows loom and danger's near, Awaken me, and cast away all fear.   With every stone, with every breath, I'll rise, my duty to protect from death. For in my heart, the city resides, Its safety and well-being, my only guides.   When darkness falls, and hope grows thin, I'll spread my wings, my vigil to begin. With strength untamed and purpose clear, I'll guard this city, hold it dear.   So remember well, in times of strife, This stone protector, bound to life. When need is dire, and danger's nigh, Speak the words, and watch me fly.   ▪ Quest: Watcher can be activated to fight the Nalfashnee => magic word locations: castle, museum, domus scientae, mystic tomes and arcane wonders ◦ Domus Populi ◦ Iron & Ember Smithy ▪ Owner: Margaren Ironhand & Grufak Embershard (dwarf couple) ▪ Appreantices: Sera (human) & Kael (elf) ▪ Catchphrase: "Forged in Fire, Forged for You!" ▪ Describtion: A sturdy stone building with a roaring forge visible through the open doors. The rhythmic clanging of hammers on metal resonates from within. ◦ Mareskas Wares ◦   Ditium • rich district – surrounds the castle • abandoned grand estates & looted luxury vendors line the street • points of interest ◦ Capella Sancti Martyris ◦ Forum Marci ◦ Domus Scientiae ◦ Mystic Tomes and Arcane Wonders ▪ Owner: Talthryn Moonwhisper, a reclusive tiefling wizard. ▪ Catchphrase: "Unlock the Secrets of the Multiverse!" ◦ Description: Unasuming house in the Ditium that is bigger on the inside than the outside.   Verbi • "district of the word" – named after the culture in this place • historical old town • cobblestone streets wind through a tapestry of timeworn but beautiful and unique buildings • streets are littered with dead people & it smells like an open grave • points of interest ◦ Capella Matonis ▪ chapel dedicated to the Holy Matonis (really Faith the Martyr) who helped end a local fight of succession and established the rule of the eagleeye family. ▪ Hidden entrance to Galdûrkhun under a statue of Matonis ◦ Capella Francisca   Castellum Aquilae • "castle of the eagle" – seat of the Eaglesight family • formerly the seat of power in Solesino its high walls lie abandoned • locally called "the eagle's nest" • points of interest ◦ Ballroom ◦ Servants Quarters ◦ Lord's Chambers ◦ Dining Hall ◦ Treasury   Plot Hooks & Quests: • Thistlewood's Apprentice Oric Stonehand is missing => in Church of the Martyr • Relic has been stolen => feather of Encratia's falcon • Encounters • old, kind elf easing the pain of infected with potions => Elara Thistlewood • looters • people engaging in hedonism => crying woman •


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