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The Cycle of Aeons

A belief held by the Triadic Luminary Faith that Creation goes through a cyclical progression of Ages, each defined by the degree to which the dark one is able to influence it.  

The Three Ages

  • The First Age: The dark one is safely sealed away in The Timeless Abyss and has very limited potential to influence creation. Still, the dark one's influence is ever present, providing meaning to all that is good in the world, but also planting evil seeds into the minds of sentient beings. This is typically an age of great prosperity, where creation is allowed to prosper and reach incredible heights.
  • The Second Age: The dark one is slowly getting stronger, able to influence creation slightly more. Corrupted by the dark one's influence, its followers strive to accelerate its release. At the same time, the sentient beings of Creation attain the heights of their cultural and technological achievements, hitting a plateau on evolution that cannot be surpassed. Resources are starting to dwindle and significant conflicts take place. This is typically an age of turmoil and war.
  • The Third Age: The dark one's release from The Timeless Abyss is imminent. Its followers are openly challenging everyone that opposes them and prepare for their lord's arrival. This age is defined by open conflict, where the followers of the Dark One and those that oppose them fight for the fate of the world. Through the careful machinations of The Cosmic Balance, the conflict ends with the dark one safely back in The Timeless Abyss, but with devastating damage dealt to creation.
  • Dark Possibilities

    While the cycle of the ages continues for millenia, it is noted that the ending of the Third Age is largely defined by the machinations of The Cosmic Balance. That force uses sentient beings for its purposes. Since sentient beings are not all-powerful, there is a possibility that the The Cosmic Balance will fail to bring the Third Age to its planned conclusion, thus allowing the dark one to consume creation and even The Cosmic Balance and the creator themselves.


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