BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Archie Donegal

Archie Donegal is the Curator of the Inn of Wayward Wanderers. Him and his wife Angelica do everything in their power to make their inn a homey place where weary travelers can rest and recover, especially when they have been out in the Places Between for a while.   His father, while kind, was very abrasive at times, and when Archie was about 9, he didn't come home. Over the years, from accounts from acquaintances and people who traveled with him on his last trip, he puzzled together that his father must have started on the wrong foot with a powerful entity and after that, was adamant about going the wrong way, going even so far as to antagonize They Who Guided Them, and eventually split off the group, never to be seen again.   People whisper about a curse that has been placed on him. Some even whisper of it affecting his sons as well, and it's true - some of Archie's brothers have been lost as well. Archie felt their loss keenly, and talked a lot to Them Who Guide to learn more about the magical side of being outdoors.   Beyond the well-trodden path of creating Places That Are through They Who Make and guiding travelers through They Who Guide, in fact little is known about how traveling magic works. No one knows if such curses actually exist, and with time being as malleable as space, they might still be alive somewhere in the wilds.   While most of his family were outdoor people, Archie decided to settle, and make his own inn. While talking to the folks at the Travelers Association he learned how Places That Are over time develop their own soul, in a way - one that aligns with the purpose and intentions of its curator.   From then on, he knew what he was going to do. He would one day have his very own Place That is - one that looks out for the lost and weary travelers, and provide shelter and safety to them. Even if he can't find his father and brothers again, maybe he can save others. Together with the friends he made at the Travelers Association, he has been tirelessly working towards this goal, and many of Those Who Guide will come to his inn to relax.   He also always has space for researchers who are trying to unravel the secrets of traveling the wilds and its inhabitants. Especially places like the mythical Mirigang that seems to keep popping up, or Halmeoni's Hut catch his interest, and his inn has become an informal outpost of magical research and a treasure trove of knowledge. It's rare to not find a researcher busy in his private library, reading and copying scriptures, and many of the books here are gifts left behind by researchers who brought their own research with them when they came to him for knowledge.

Cover image: Mountain Walk by Lili Popper


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