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Child of Wonder

Inspired by Koragath during the prep sessions in November
A love of travel is a requirement for any One Who Guides, but a Child Of Wonder trumps them all. They are Guides, often experienced and highly skilled, who managed to preserve their childlike enthusiasm and sense of wonder.   Even when they age, they never loose the wide eyes and childlike air about them, frequently leading clients to underestimate them. Especially those that come to the Travelers Association blustering and blundering about how important an dangerous their mission is and how they need an experienced guide scoff at first when they do get their wish.   Some Children of Wonder just laugh and leave at this point, others patiently wait for things to be explained, and yet others suddenly loose all their childlike demeanor and do the explaining themselves - but it's rare for a Child Of Wonder not to face this conflict every time they accept a job.

Cover image: Mountain Walk by Lili Popper


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